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Tedashii - Dark Days, Darker Nights ft. Britt Nicole (@Tedashii @reachrecords)
2014Apr 10
Hear Dark Days, Darker Nights ft. Britt Nicole off Tedashii's fourth studio album, "Below Paradise." Check out - iTunes - Google Play - Amazon - Spotify - Apple Music - Reach Records Storefront - Facebook - Twitter - Instagram - A Word From Tedashii on Below Paradise: ""In March of 2013 I had the worst day of my life. The loss of my son changed me forever. I experienced grief and sorrow to the depth of my soul. The veil was lifted, the smoke cleared and all I had was pain. Instantly phrases like, ""It's all good"" or ""It'll be ok"" were cliche and, at best, empty promises. The comfort of life with no pain was gone and I saw the world in an entirely new way. I felt forsaken, alone, and in a place of darkness that has been kept masked by a focus on only the good side of this life. The reality of being a Christian and suffering so harsh a thing was hard for me to grasp. This album is my ""journal"" shared publicly with all of you during this difficult journey as I worked to understand all I felt, experienced, and believed. I am human, I am hurt, I am His. By his grace I am what I am. I pray this will be an album all can feel, even if you can't relate, and be moved to true emotions about the reality of life in a harsh world with a loving God, Below Paradise."""

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Reach Records

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