A Busy Month
May is a busy month in the Pew FTLC. In addition to the wonderful opportunities below, we are hosting events that are either at capacity (e.g., Personnel Portfolio Workshop) or are part of special initiatives (e.g., CLAS Voyage Summer Institute, Gardner Institute Gateways to Completion). What these activities have in common is that they bring together multidisciplinary groups of faculty and staff to focus intently, in ways not possible during other times of the year. From course redesign, development of new experiential learning opportunities, to fostering more inclusive learning environments, the work being done is extremely important. And not easy.
We are also engaged in projects related to a few other hot topics including generative AI, climate resilience, growth mindsets, active learning classrooms, student mental health and wellbeing, faculty thriving, and expanded programming around diversity, equity, and inclusion to name a few. Oh, and welcoming a new Assistant Director on May 1st!
Whether in person or virtually, I do hope to see you soon. If there are other ways in which we can support you or your colleagues, do not hesitate to reach out.
—Christine Rener