Pew FTLC: Late May 2024
Pew FTLC: Late May 2024
Grand Valley State University
Pew Faculty Teaching & Learning Center
Grand Valley Marching Band sculpture
May 23, 2024
Following on the Provost’s Laker's Ready theme of looking back and looking forward, I have gathered a few future-focused resources and also brought back some links that we shared at some point this year that seemed to strike a chord. Please enjoy at your own pace.

Four new things: 

Article: Inclusive active participation through non-oral methods by Sarah Otterbeck and Aradaryn Marsh offers several fresh takes on student engagement.
Video: Hear from author Parker Palmer in this 2023 interview: Why it takes courage to teach. His book, The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher’s Life, was a staple of our Teaching Life Retreat for many years, so it was wonderful to hear him talk about teaching fundamentals, including a capacity for connectedness.
Book: In the award-winning The New College Classroom, Cathy Davidson and Christina Katopodis “translate cutting-edge research in learning science and pedagogy into ready-to-use strategies to incorporate into any course.”
Resource: Generative AI in Education is a new Pew FTLC Teaching Resources page synthesizing conversations and readings over the past year. I consider it the shortest possible story and a starting place for further exploration. I welcome your input and ideas.

In case you missed it:

Video: Your Syllabus as a Tool to Promote Student Equity, Belonging, and Growth is a rich tutorial with practical tips for developing syllabi and activities that will help you apply the concepts to your own syllabus.
Book: The Norton Guide to Equity-Minded Teaching by Isis Artze-Vega, Flower Darby, Bryan Dewsbury, and Mays Imad is evidence-based, practical and relevant for all instructors, no matter the experience level or the discipline.
Article: Mini-lectures to create active learning spaces by Todd Zakrajsek in The Scholarly Teacher applies the science of learning to lectures.

Blog Post: What do you see? by Alexandra Mihai details individual and collaborative activities to cultivate greater focus and attention in our classrooms.
A common theme that I see through these resources is that innovative teaching and student learning can take many forms. What I continue to work at is balancing exploration of evidence-based practices from a variety of sources with the inner work needed to incorporate new ways of thinking into my teaching identity. I wish you your own unique, authentic, and balanced journey. Don't hesitate to reach out if your Pew FTLC colleagues can offer support along the way.

Christine Rener
Strong Start Teaching Refresh poster

Strong Start Teaching Institute Continuing Series

Stemming from the May 2024 Strong Start Teaching Institute, this workshop series is meant to refresh and continue conversations around small teaching practices for faculty to support our first and second-year students. While we would love (and encourage!) faculty to attend all three workshops, the workshops are designed to act as standalone events (meaning it’s okay if you aren’t able to attend all three). These in-person workshops will be offered in both downtown and Allendale locations and are led by Dr. Maggie Goss, the new Pew FTLC Assistant Director.

Workshop #1: Rejuvenating Your Syllabus
Tuesday, June 18th 10:00 - 11:30am (3062 Zumberge Hall)
Thursday, June 20th 10:00 - 11:30am (411 Eberhard Center)

In this workshop, participants will revise or “rejuvenate” their syllabus to better promote inclusivity and a sense of belonging for their students. Specifically, participants will learn strategies for promoting feelings of student belonging, and provide peer-to-peer feedback on their written syllabi.

Workshop #2: Faculty Primer - Resource Intervention and Prevention
Tuesday, July 9th 10:00 - 11:30am (3068 Zumberge Hall)
Thursday, July 11th 10:00 - 11:30am (411 Eberhard Center)

In this workshop, we will tackle issues related to student well-being, resource awareness and how best to connect students to resources. Participants will walk away with concrete strategies for preventing, or rather “priming” students to overcome obstacles throughout the semester. Participants will actively engage with the following questions:
  • What are some signs a student may be struggling?
  • When do I intervene if it looks like a student may be struggling?
  • I’ve pointed a student toward support resources, now what?
  • What could I have done to intervene earlier in their struggle?

Workshop #3: Clarifying Expectations: A Developmental Approach to Classroom Management
Tuesday, July 23rd 10:00 - 11:30am (3068 Zumberge Hall)
Thursday, June 25th 10:00 - 11:30am (411 Eberhard Center)

In this workshop participants will become more familiar with policy and practice awareness for handling disruptive students, how to communicate and uphold shared expectations, and even share strategies for managing your own class.
Register Here for Workshop #1

Campus novels spotlight the human comedy of academe. Wherever you are in July, join us Fridays 3-4 in Zoom to discuss a book. Register for one or as many as you like, and FTLC will send you the print or audio version, your choice. Open to GVSU faculty & staff.

July 5, 3-4 PM
Changing Places: A Tale of Two Campuses (1984) by 
David Lodge
At an English Department party an assistant professor gets tipsy and jokes about having never read Hamlet. Several years later, the incident is raised when he goes up for tenure…

Register for JULY 5: Changing Places

July 12, 3-4 PM

Adjunctivitis (2013)
Gordon Haber
An adjunct writing instructor tries to land a tenure-track position. 

The author of this novella will join our discussion!
Register for JULY 12: Adjunctivitis

July 19, 3-4 PM
Dear Comm
ittee Members (2014) by
Julie Schumacher
This epistolary novel is told entirely in letters of recommendation in which a tenured professor bemoans his colleagues, students, administration, the state of academe in general, and his own undistinguished career.

Register for JULY 19: Dear Committee Members

July 26, 3-4 PM
Real Life
by Brandon Taylor
A queer Black graduate student in biomedical science comes of age in a White midwestern college town.

Register for JULY 26: Re
al Life
Learn More About Summer Book Club

Register, Apply, Attended for Free

Registration for the NCFDD's 2024 Teaching Toolkit Program is now open!
Tuition is $495 to attend the 4-week program. But, apply for a Pew FTLC Sandbox Grant for this amount, and we'll cover the cost. Remember: the deadline is June 4, so apply ASAP.
The Teaching Toolkit is a program for designing, refreshing, and launching courses. This program is specifically geared to support:
  • Faculty who are relatively new to teaching or who are interested in more resources to supplement their teaching
  • Faculty who are returning to the classroom
  • Administrators who are transitioning back to faculty position
  • Faculty who plan to design a new course

Hot Topic In Higher Education

Graphic on How People are using Generative AI

The Teaching Professor

A reminder that we have full-text access to The Teaching Professor newsletter. Articles written by fellow educators focus on summarizing published findings and offering practical strategies. New content is added weekly. Articles are organized around these broad topics:
  • Teaching Strategies and Techniques
  • Grading and Feedback
  • Classroom Climate
  • Preparing to Teach
  • Student Learning
  • Professional Growth
  • Online Teaching and Learning

Save the Date!

The Humanity of Inclusive Practices, Gardner Institute online course July 8 – 19

30th Annual Fall Conference on Teaching and Learning
Thursday, August 15
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