Champagne showers is a CC student tradition where graduating seniors gather at the Earle Flagpole on the final day of Block 8 to celebrate their accomplishments and upcoming graduation. This photo from last year captures the celebration of Jorge Madrigal Adan '22, Bennie Lewis IV '22, and Jared Mendiola '22. This year's Champagne Showers and Senior BBQ will take place on Wednesday, May 24. Photo by Lonnie Timmons III / Colorado College.
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May 24—End of Block 8
May 25—Residence halls close at noon for all students except graduating seniors or those with a specific volunteer role for Commencement. Students who need to stay past closing dates (who are not enrolled for summer) will need to fill out an extended stay request via the housing portal.
May 28—Commencement, 8:30 a.m., Ed Robson Arena
May 29—Residence halls close at noon for graduating seniors
May 30-June 23—Summer Session Block A (no class on June 19)
June 26-July 20—Summer Session Block B (no class on July 4)
July 24-Aug. 16—Summer Session Block C (remote only)
Looking Ahead:
Aug. 26-27—Returning student move-in for the 2023-24 academic year
Aug. 28—Instruction begins; beginning of Block 1
Curious about other dates for the 2023-24 academic year? The calendar is posted online for your convenience.
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Reminders: Bikes and Parking
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Does your student have a bike or car on campus? Read on for important details about summer and the 2023-24 school year!
Please Note: On Wednesday, May 31, Campus Safety will be cutting the locks of all bikes left on campus. Bikes cannot be left on campus over the summer, and Campus Safety will not be held liable for any locks cut. Bikes will be secured with Campus Safety for 30 days (June 30, 2023) and then donated. If your student has a bike they no longer use, they can donate the bike to the CC Bike & Ski Co-op. Your student can do this by bringing the bike to the Campus Safety office or the Outdoor Education Center. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Campus Safety at 719-389-6707 or email CampusSafety@coloradocollege.edu. If your student needs assistance in storing their bike for the day, they can contact their RLC.
Students not living on campus over the summer may not leave their vehicle on campus. Students without a parking permit who are taking classes this summer must contact the Parking Office to obtain a permit.
Online permit and vehicle registration for students will go live on Monday, July 10 at 8 a.m. for the 2023-24 academic year. (First year students are not permitted to have a vehicle on campus, per their housing contract.) Step-by-step instructions for permit and vehicle registration will be available on the Parking Office website when registration opens. Location for all permit options will be outlined on a parking map and will be available before the online registration link is live.
All 2023-24 permits will be ready for pick-up from Mail Services, located in the Yalich Student Services Building, from Aug. 11-25. For any questions, students should contact the Parking Office directly.
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It's time to celebrate the Class of 2023!
This year's Commencement ceremony takes place Sunday, May 28, at 8:30 a.m. at Ed Robson Arena. Former U.S. Representative Liz Cheney, Colorado College Class of 1988, will present the Commencement address. Cheney, who graduated with a political science degree from CC and a law degree from the University of Chicago, served as a Republican representative of Wyoming from 2017 to the beginning of this year. She recently joined the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics as a professor of practice.
Graduating seniors and their families have received detailed information, as well as instructions on claiming and transferring tickets for the event. Those not present in person are welcome to join the Commencement ceremony via livestream at coloradocollege.edu/live. (No pre-registration is required in order to access the livestream.) The Baccaluareate Ceremony on Saturday, May 27, will also be livestreamed at this link. Everyone is invited to send well-wishes to a graduate through Baccalaureate Blessings, which will be displayed online and shared with graduates and guests during Commencement Weekend.
For more Commencement information, including the weekend's full schedule of events to celebrate our remarkable graduates, please visit coloradocollege.edu/commencement.
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Ditch the dumpster and donate instead!
The objective of this program is to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and support local communities through our donations. Each year as CC students move off campus, they realize they have accumulated more stuff than they need or can transport. Many of these items end up in a landfill when they could have been recycled, composted, or donated. Please encourage your students to participate and donate first!
Summer Storage
Is your student looking for storage over the summer? Do you need someone else to do the moving? Campus Storage can provide moving materials, move packed items, store them over the summer, and return them to campus in August. Campus Storage will be on campus, picking up on May 23-24.
Please note: This contract is designed to streamline the process for students; students may still use any other companies they prefer. However, CC will not escort or allow other companies access to residence halls without the student present at the time of pick-up and delivery.
All students received an email with detailed information and instructions, a link to reserve a time, and a discount code. Please encourage your student to plan ahead and make their reservation as soon as possible if they are planning to store their belongings over summer break.
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Move-out can feel stressful, but CC's Mail Services is here to help!
Students can mail their items home from the Colorado College Mail Center. Mail Services at CC sells boxes and packing tape for shipping and offers USPS and competitive FedEx shipping.
Any mail left at the Mail Center after the end of the academic year will be forwarded. If the student does not submit a forwarding address, mail will be forwarded to the home address on file. Most packages cannot be forwarded so be sure to update ordering addresses for the summer. More information and the mail forwarding request form for students can be found on the Mail Services website.
Please especially remind your graduating seniors to provide an immediate forwarding address, even if they aren't sure what their permanent location or address will be.
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See You Next Fall for HCFW!
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Save the Date for Homecoming and Family Weekend: Oct. 13-15
Come celebrate CC's amazing Tiger Spirit on campus next fall during Homecoming and Family Weekend 2023. Stay tuned over the summer for details about the many events designed to help you connect with your student on campus and experience all that the remarkable CC community has to offer. Information will be shared via email as well as added online throughout the coming months; registration opens in August. Hope you'll make plans to join!
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