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STS Wire 12/5/2016

In this Issue
  • STS 191: Introduction to Research in STS
  • 2016 Human Cities Expo
  • The Fierce Urgency of Now: Re-Inventing the American Energy Innovation Ecosystem Today for 2050 Climate Impact in the Shadow of the Cleantech VC Bust 
  • Living the Good Life? Waste and Wastefulness in Japan of the 1980s
  • Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous December 2016 
  • Plant Along Deer Creek
  • Internship with the Stanford Prevention Research Center
  • Public Policy Freelance Writer/Researcher
  • Rainforest Conservation And Community Development Internship
  • Intern: Junior Product Manager
STS 191: Introduction to Research in STS
This seminar introduces key analytical approaches and methodologies in STS, as well as basic tools for conducting original research in STS. Students survey a series of influential empirical studies; identify productive questions of their own interest; and explore how to pursue them through strong research design. This course counts as a Foundational course for all concentrations in STS! Read more on Explore Courses.
2016 Human Cities Expo
Join us for the annual Stanford Human Cities Expo, a day-long celebration bringing together interdisciplinary perspectives on advancing a human-centered approach to cities.
The Fall 2016 Expo will feature interactive exhibits, presentations from Human Cities Initiative classes, and keynotes from distinguished scholars and practitioners. Special highlights include an exhibit on the UN Habitat III conference in Quito, Ecuador and community-based projects in local Bay Area cities. This event is free and open to the public. Read more. 
Please RSVP here.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016 | 11:00AM-6:00PM | d.school Atrium
The Fierce Urgency of Now: Re-Inventing the American Energy Innovation Ecosystem Today for 2050 Climate Impact in the Shadow of the Cleantech VC Bust 
In this talk, Dr. Danielson will describe the new American Energy Innovation Ecosystem that we must create together (and that is already beginning to be created) to activate the federal government, research institutions, philanthropists, the investment community, and large-scale industry in an unprecedented way over the next few years to successfully unleash the power of transformative innovation to solve climate change by 2050. Read more.
Monday, December 5, 2016 | 4:30PM-5:20PM | NVIDIA Auditorium
Living the Good Life? Waste and Wastefulness in Japan of the 1980s
The 1980s are often characterized as the height of rampant consumerism and excessive materialism, as a time when Japan embraced its financial and material affluence. Yet this decade cannot be understood simply as one of unflinching consumption and unabashed materialism.  This talk will examine how ideas of waste and wastefulness were constructed in these years to argue that there existed a certain ambivalence about abundance and affluence.  In many ways, waste consciousness was more muted than it had been in the previous decade and the exigent problems of waste were to be mitigated in ways that did not impinge too much on the established expectations, desires, and practices of middle-class life.  Yet in other ways, conceptions of waste became linked to the appeal of a more psychological, spiritual, and emotional understanding of affluence.  It was in this time of relative financial and material plenty that thinking about the waste of time and things became integral to meditations on well-being and happiness and to a more capacious definition of meaning and value in everyday life. Read more.
Please RSVP here.
Thursday, December 8, 2016 | 4:30PM-6:00PM | Lathrop Library

Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous December 2016
The Stanford LASERs are part of a national program of gatherings that brings artists and scientists together for informal presentations and conversation with the audience. Each evening event, free of charge and open to the public, will present four artists, scientists, thinkers, inventors, and scholars who are working on paradigm shifts. Each evening also allows the audience to socialize and encourages people in the audience to briefly introduce their own work. Chaired by cultural historian Piero Scaruffi. Read more.
The evening will feature presentations by:     
  • Mark Nelson (Co-director, Stanford Peace Innovation Initiative) on "Technology for Peace"    
  • Enar de Dios Rodriguez (Photographer),
  • Thomas Juffmann (Stanford Physics and SEEC Photography) and Phillip Haslinger (UC Berkeley Physics) on "Photography at the Speed of Light"    
  • Cheryl Leonard (Composer) on "Music from High Latitudes"    
  • Caterina Zhang (Media Artist, China) on "Multi-Dimensional Representation of Oriental Art"
Thursday, December 8, 2016 | 7:00PM-9:30PM | Room M112, Alway Building
Plant Along Deer Creek
Join us to plant California native understorey species along Deer Creek. Volunteers make new friends, learn about local eco-systems, enjoy the out-of-doors, exercise, and work for common good.  If you want to plant with us, we ask that you commit to at least one watering session during the following May - October dry season or during other times of year if the drought continues. These take place on Saturdays from 9:30-noon. Only by caring for young plants until they become established do we make planting a meaningful act. Read more.
To reserve your place on a planting crew, for details about where to park and meet and what tools to bring, or for other info, please email robin@ecomagic.org 
Ongoing every week from December 17, 2016 through December 31, 2016.
9:30 am – 12:30 pm
| Deer Creek
Internship with the Stanford Prevention Research Center
The Stanford Prevention Research Center (SPRC) is a consortium of renowned experts who are world leaders in investigating ways to prevent disease and promote health. Their work is focused on identifying the most practical, science-based solutions for addressing some of society’s most pervasive—and preventable—health issues, such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and other chronic conditions and to raise the standards of scientific investigation that matters for health. Read more.
Public Policy Freelance Writer/Researcher
United States Common Sense (www.uscommonsense.org) is a non-partisan, start-up think tank based in Mountain View, CA. We are dedicated to opening government to the public, developing data-driven policy analysis, and educating citizens about how their governments work.

We seek freelance writers to conduct research and write short educational guides on a range of public policy issues. Successful candidates will have strong research and writing skills, with the ability to quickly synthesize pre-existing research and explain complex topics to a broad audience. Read more.
Rainforest Conservation And Community Development Internship
The Crees Foundation is a leading Educational Centre located in the Amazon Rainforest. We offer six month internships which are designed to help recent graduates, gap year students, and career breakers develop specific career skills in Conservation Research, Community Development and Project Management. Interns gain a wealth of knowledge and experience in scientific monitoring techniques and conservation research in a tropical forest. You also get the opportunity to work with local communities creating biogardens and agroforestry plots, which enable local people to live sustainably and in harmony with the forest. Read more.
Intern: Junior Product Manager
Juniper’s service portfolio management team is seeking a Product Management Intern who will be an exceptional addition to our team. In this position, you will be working with a team that defines the maintenance & support services strategy and offerings for Juniper industry leading products. This isn’t a ‘run errands’ internship. We want and expect you to be an integral member of the team, to help lead projects, to address challenges, and to really impact the business. The right person for this job is someone passionate about technology and interested in a long term services career. Read more.
BEAM Job Postings

 Spring 2017 Content Development Intern – The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

Beetle Taxonomy Internship - National Ecological Observatory Network

Physical Science Intern - Applied Materials

Graphic Designer - Black Sails Technology

Marketing Internship - Colourpop Cosmetics

Externship in Wildlife and Conservation Medicne - Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife
Undergraduate Immigration Internship - Community Legal Services East Palo Alto

Login to your Handshake account to view the job postings. More jobs can be found at Handshake.
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