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STS Wire 6/13/2017

In this Issue
  • STS Commencement Ceremony
  • Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous June 2017
  • 2nd Annual Ideal Village Conference at Stanford University; Theme: Collaborations for the Ideal Village
  • In/Visible: Nuclear Representation in Japan from Hiroshima to Fukushima
STS Commencement Ceremony

Join in on the festivites at this years Commencement Ceremony! Watch 73 of our Seniors celebrate their success in graduating from the Program in Science, Technology and Society.

12:00pm-1:00pm Guests arrive and eat lunch
1:00pm-3:00pm Undergraduate Processional
Sunday, June 18th, 2017 | 12:00pm-3:00pm | Canfield Court
Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous June 2017
The Stanford LASERs are part of a national program of gatherings that brings artists and scientists together for informal presentations and conversation with the audience. Each evening event, free of charge and open to the public, will present four artists, scientists, thinkers, inventors, and scholars who are working on paradigm shifts. Each evening also allows the audience to socialize and encourages people in the audience to briefly introduce their own work. Chaired by cultural historian Piero Scaruffi. Read more.
The evening will feature presentations by:
  • Fyodor Urnov (UC Berkeley/ Genomics) on "Genetics and Society"
  • Fred Turner (Stanford/ Department of Communication) on "Technology, Counterculture and The Dream of a World Without Politics"
  • Elizabeth Jameson (Neuro-Artist) on "Re-Imaging the MRI"
  • Adrien Segal (Sculptural Data Artist) on "Scientific Inquiry, Sensory Experience, and the Creative Process"
Thursday, June 15, 2017 | 7:00pm-9:30pm | Li Ka Shing Building, Room 101/102
2nd Annual Ideal Village Conference at Stanford University; Theme: Collaborations for the Ideal Village
The Ideal Village concept:
Despite accelerating advances in science and technology, inequities across and within societies globally remain at unacceptably high levels. Over 70% of the world’s poorest people live in rural areas where basic human needs are unmet. Large populations still live without access to electrical power (1.2 billion people), clean water (more than 700 million people), sanitation (2 billion people), basic healthcare, and education.
The Ideal Village program is a holistic, integrated and collaborative technology platform designed to introduce alternate energy, education/vocational training, healthcare, sustainable agriculture, water/waste management systems, and rural entrepreneurship to create self-sustainable, economically viable and healthy village communities.
The 2017 Conference:The 2nd Annual Ideal Village Conference at Stanford will serve as a collaborative forum for innovators, NGOs and like-minded groups to identify, develop, and plan to implement and scale appropriate, cost-effective and innovative solutions for the sustainable development of rural communities. We envision holding an annual Ideal Village conference at Stanford University, building on each year’s lessons and learning from our successes (or failures) in the field. Our ultimate goal is the elimination of rural poverty and the establishment of better health and well-being for all.
Friday, June 16, 2017 | 8:00am-8:00pm | Oak Room West, Tressider
In/Visible: Nuclear Representation in Japan from Hiroshima to Fukushima

The East Asia Library is pleased to announce the installation of a new exhibit in its entrance hall display cases entitled "In/Visible: Nuclear Representation in Japan from Hiroshima to Fukushima."  The exhibit was curated by Dr. Kyoko Sato, Associate Director of Stanford's Program in Science, Technology, and Society (STS), with the help of Joshua Capitanio, Public Services Librarian, and Regan Murphy Kao, Japanese Studies Librarian. 

Using a wide range of materials from the East Asia Library and other Stanford Libraries collections, including comic books, photography, children's books, newspapers, and movie posters, it traces the different ways that "the nuclear" - nuclear bombs, nuclear power, and nuclear disasters - has been represented in Japanese media and popular culture from the 1945 atomic bombings at Hiroshima and Nagasaki to the 3-11 Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant nuclear disaster of 2011 and beyond.  Topics covered range from the Japanese media's portrayal and marginalization of the hibakusha - survivors of the 1945 bombings, many of whom suffered serious health issues - to the rise of nuclear power plants in Japan in the 1960s and 1970s, to the Fukushima disaster and the contentious debate about the safety of nuclear power in its aftermath.  

Ongoing through September 1, 2017 | East Asia Library
Senior Health Advisor
The Global Health Fellows Program (GHFP-II)’s goal is to improve the effectiveness of USAID health programs by addressing the Agency’s immediate and emerging human capacity needs. The program seeks to accomplish this goal first through the recruitment, placement and support of diverse health professionals at the junior, mid and senior levels. These program participants include fellows, interns, corporate volunteers and Foreign Service National professionals. The program then provides substantial performance management and career development support to participants, including annual work planning assistance, and ensures that professional development opportunities are available. Read more.
Summer Opportunity- Working with Redwood City 3rd&4th Graders interested in STEM fields!
The Multicultural Institute is recruiting mentors for its Youth Writing Festival (YWF) program this summer! The Mission of the Multicultural Institute is to accompany immigrants in their transition from poverty and isolation to prosperity and participation. We are a dynamic organization committed to improving the quality of life of those we serve. The Mentoring for Academic Success (MAS) & YWF programs offer a continuum of academic support for under-served low-income students. The YWF is the month long intensive summer writing program. YWF offers up to 30 students an opportunity to work on their writing skills and receive a combination of writing and STEM instruction. It addresses the issue of students backsliding over the summer on progress made during the school year. STEM related activities, on-site visits and field trips are offered and an anthology is published at the end of the summer. Read more.
BEAM Job Postings

Health Services Data Science Associate - The Palo Alto Veterans Institute for Research

Policy and Legal Research Intern -  UNO Charter School Network
Login to your Handshake account to view the job postings. More jobs can be found at Handshake.
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