Dear Graduate Students,
I know that like me you are both shocked and deeply saddened by the events in Isla Vista last night. Our thoughts and prayers are with those impacted by this tragedy. We send our most heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims.
As graduate students you are at the center of our university. Many of you live in or near Isla Vista and most serve as friends, teachers, and mentors to our undergraduates. One cannot help but feel shaken by this tragedy, and it is an emotional day for many.
Please reach out to any fellow graduate students who might need support. Counseling services are available: There is a 24/7 UCSB counseling hotline for emergency support and referrals at (805) 893-4411. In addition, professional counseling support is available on campus today (May 24) at the Student Resource Building.
The University is closely monitoring the situation and will be updating the following site:
Any news specific to graduate students will be placed on the GradPost news blog ( and GradPost Facebook page ( We all stand in solidarity and support with our UCSB community. Please feel free to contact me directly at if you wish to comment or express concerns.
Yours sincerely,
Carol Genetti
UC Santa Barbara Graduate Division
Other resources
Call Center for community members and parents with questions: (805) 893-3901

Community 24/7 Disaster Distress Hotline: (800) 985-5990

Hillel (781 Embarcadero del Norte) and St. Marks (6550 Picasso) in Isla Vista are open and available today.
Graduate Student Resource Center, 1215 Student Resource Bldg. University of California | Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5010 US
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