Dear Loyola community,
Some of you reading this may know that I am a licensed psychologist by profession and worked in the field of college mental health for two decades before transitioning into a fully administrative role. I know firsthand how painfully difficult and utterly rewarding mental health work can be. Throughout my career, I walked with students at their lowest lows and their highest highs. My clients taught me a deeper understanding of taking perspective and led to increasing my daily practice of extending humility, gratitude, and kindness.
Since, in my worldview, mental health awareness is not confined to a month but is necessary every day, and, because we are still living with the COVID pandemic among other public health emergencies, one of the goals of my letter is to remind you of our resources. Whether you are a student seeking services or a staff member who needs to make a referral, we have several options for you.
The University Counseling Center offers free, confidential mental health services to currently enrolled Loyola students. It is located on the second floor of the Danna Center, directly above the Orleans Room. Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., Monday–Friday, and you can make an appointment by calling 504-865-3835, or stopping by.
1. Counseling: All counseling is free and confidential. The UCC offers individual, couples, and group counseling. You can review counselor bios and request a specific counselor, or take the first available appointment.
2. Anxiety Management Workshops: Weekly live Zoom Anxiety Management Workshops offer concrete skills and strategies to cope with anxiety and improve self-regulation. 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., every Tuesday. No pre-registration necessary. Please go to for more information.
3. Consultation: Concerned about a friend or roommate? Consult with one of our counselors for recommendations and assistance.
4. Case Management: Case managers can assist with finding specialized mental health or medical care, registering for social services (e.g., SNAP or Medicaid), and other needs.
5. UCC Counselor On-Call: A counselor on-call is available by phone 24/7, 365. Call 504-865-3835. During business hours, ask to talk to the Counselor On-Call; after hours just press 1.
6. Crisis Intervention: Appointments are available to students who need same-day, in person treatment.
Student Health Services provides primary healthcare treatment for all currently enrolled students. This includes, but is not limited to:
- COVID testing, treatment, and vaccination
- Well Woman Exams
- STD testing
- In-house lab and contracted laboratory work
- Referral service to area specialists and urgent care facilities
- Treatment of common health problems such as UTIs, respiratory infections, headaches, sexually transmitted infections, and dermatological conditions
Same-day appointments or nurse consultations are available on a first come, first serve basis. Students seeking treatment should call Student Health Services at 504-865-3326 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., Monday–Friday to schedule an appointment. No walk-ins will be accepted. SHS accepts most major health insurance plans. There is no copay at SHS for services for students who have Loyola’s Aetna Student Health insurance plan. Virtual visits can happen at any time with the Ochsner Anywhere app. Visits are FREE for Loyola students, faculty, and staff, using the codes LUSTUDENT, LUSTAFF, and LUFACULTY.
Faculty and staff colleagues, thank you for your partnership through the years in assisting students with getting connected. Please continue to share your BIT reports and other situations that need intervention so that we can continue providing wrap-around care for the community. As always, please send students who need excuse notes to for assistance.
The bottom line is that our dedicated health professional teams and BIT team work tirelessly to keep the university community healthy and well. If there is anything further we can do, please let us know.
I'll leave you with a little moment that gave me joy this week and I hope it brings a smile to your face, too. Here is my dog Louie, meeting a butterfly for the first time.
Alicia A. Bourque, Ph.D.
Vice President of Student Affairs