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Hells Bells, December 2017
WOW. January 2017 felt a bit like being hit by a freight train, a train that never bothered to slow down for the rest of the year. Big threats to the environment were unveiled at a whiplash-inducing pace. A Cabinet that denies climate change is real and believes in "alternative facts?" Check. The misnamed "Resilient Federal Forest Act" passing through Congress (currently with the Senate), set to hamstring the public process of engagement and open our National Forests to logging without environmental review? Check. The EPA being poisoned from the inside out by oil man Scott Pruitt? Also, check.
But perhaps the hardest to stomach is President Trump and Department of the Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke's move to steal land from National Monuments, land owned by you and me, and open these cherished places to destructive extraction. Theft of public lands is no longer a shadowy threat. It's here, it's happening, and we fear this is only the beginning.
2017 wasn't without its moments of resistance, happiness, and celebration, though. Millions marched on Washington and around the country in support of science and women's rights. People picked up the telephone and called their elected representatives. And for us at Greater Hells Canyon Council, we got to celebrate our 50th Anniversary, rename and rebrand our organization, and grow our organization's staff and membership!
It's been a momentous and historic year. Yes, there are big challenges facing public lands and our mission area. But we are resolved to face these challenges with integrity and grit, and we know you are, too.
Thank you for caring about wild places. Thank you for standing up for science. Thank you for supporting our work!
We are wishing you the happiest of holidays and a wonderful New Year.
--GHCC Staff
New Tax Code and Charitable Donations

Many people choose to give to non-profit organizations at the end of the year. These donations not only help non-profits start off the new year with something in the bank, they also can give the donor a break during tax time. 
The new tax code has passed. Under the new code, the standard deduction will be raised, eliminating the incentive for millions of tax payers to itemize deductions, including charitable donations to non-profits like us.
What does this mean for you? If you itemize charitable donations in your taxes, NOW is the time to give to GHCC! You may not be getting the same bang for your buck in the future. And if you don't itemize your deductions, well . . . We still appreciate the gift!
Make a Gift
GHCC's 50th in the News
The Baker City Herald and La Grande Observer recently ran a story on our organization's history and 50th Anniversary. Although the online version captures only part of the piece, it still contains some great history and quotes! Read it online here, or pick up a print copy of the December 15th editions from either of these newspapers to read the full story.
Pete Seeger and Boyd Norton float through Hells Canyon in 1967.

GHCC Signs on to Appeal

A coalition of Oregon conservation groups, led by Friends of the Columbia Gorge, has filed an appeal in the Oregon Supreme Court, challenging the Oregon Energy Facility Siting Council (EFSC) on new rules that greatly reduce transparency and opportunity for public involvement in siting large power facilities. The rules let the Oregon Department of Energy decide which applications get public hearings and which applications are eligible to be formally contested before EFSC, all on a case-by-case basis.
Learn more from Friends of the Columbia Gorge's press release here, and an editorial in the Bend Bulletin here.
Give Now
GHCC works to connect, protect, and restore an extraordinarily diverse and beautiful wild area and its native inhabitants in the Northwest.  Your support makes our work possible.  Thank you!
~ Darilyn Parry Brown, Executive Director 
Upcoming Events
  • Stay tuned for 2018 events!
Interesting Bits
  • Happy soon-to-be Solstice everyone! Thank goodness we don't have the planetary tilt of Uranus--life on earth would likely not exist. Read more about the extreme solstices experienced by our neighbors in the Solar System here.
  • Want to see some cool maps of the U.S. that depict all sorts of information about how much sunlight we receive during solsitces, equinoxes, and more? Find them here. Our mission area will recieve only 8.5 to 9 hours of sunlight tomorrow! 
Seeking Event Committee Members
Love teamwork and a good cause? Looking to support GHCC in one of the most meaningful ways possible?
Look no further! We are currently seeking supporters based in the Portland area to serve on our Portland Event Committee.  We're planning a kick-a** "Hellraiser" for 2018 and want YOU to be a part of the dream team. Please email Kirsten to learn more. We hope you join us!
Sponsor of the Month:
Thank you to the Wildhorse Foundation  for supporting our work!
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HCPC Wishlist
We're always looking for a few things. Your donation is tax deductible, and helps us save time and money. Thank you!
  • Refrigerator--our office fridge is dying and smells like it already has! 
  • Air purifier
  • 1st class stamps
  • Postcard stamps
Thank you EarthShare Oregon for supporting us through your workplace giving campaigns!  Learn how to donate a portion of your wages to Oregon causes here.
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