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Dear friends and colleagues,
It has been a busy month, not just for the CPC Learning Network but for the entire field of child protection. As you will see below, global partners have recently shared a number of new studies and resources. Within the CPC, our newest Program Learning Group (PLG) recently launched in Burkina Faso, West Africa, hosted by the NGO Terre des Hommes and bringing together representatives of the Burkinabè government, the University of Ouagadougou, civil society, and other child protection and family welfare actors. Additionally, our partners at AVSI Uganda will share the learning from their recent assessment in a webinar on December 11th. 
We hope that you will send along any resources, studies, or events that you would like us to share widely with the CPC Learning Network in our next newsletter or social media. 
Mark Canavera
WEBINAR: Assessment of SCORE Uganda's Orphaned and Vulnerable Children Programs
On December 11th, 2013, the CPC Learning Network will host a webinar highlighting AVSI Uganda's recent assessment of the SCORE Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) program. Massimo Lowicki-Zucca, the chief of party for the SCORE project in Uganda, will present the findings. CPC's own PLG Coordinator Timothy Opobo from ChildFund Uganda and Jason Wolfe, Senior Economic Strengthening Advisor from USAID, will also join the webinar as expert respondents, sharing their feedback and thoughts on the assessment. 
The webinar will be held on Wednesday, December 11th, 2013 at 9:00 AM EST.
Please email to register for the webinar. 
WEBINAR: Introduction to CPMERG's Monitoring & Evaluation Site
On December 9th, 2013, CPMERG Program Assistant, Celeste Serrano, will host a webinar on MyM&E. MyM&E is an interactive platform that allows for sharing of knowledge and networking worldwide. The presentation will focus on how MyM&E can support child protection practitioners in monitoring and evaluation of their programs. 
This webinar will be held on Monday, December 9th, 2013 at 8:30 AM EST. 
For more information click here  here. Or join the webinar by following this link, which will open up 30 minutes before the webinar begins.
Negative Influence of Spanking on Cognitive Development
Columbia University School of Social Work professors Drs. Michael MacKenzie, Eric Nicklas, and Jane Waldfogel, and Teacher's College professor Dr. Jeanne Brooks-Gunn co-authored a study on the impacts of spanking on children. Even when controlling for other factors, the researchers found that American children who were spanked at age 5 had lower vocabulary scores and higher levels of acting out behavior by age 9. All data for the study was gathered from a larger study, the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing study - a cohort study of 5,000 children conducted in partnership between Columbia and Princeton Universities. 
Click here to read the full article. 
Mandated to Fail? Humanitarian Agencies and the Protection of Palestinian Children

This study published in the journal Disasters from researchers in the UK examines the efforts of the United Nations and other humanitarian actors to protect Palestinian children.  Using an analytic approach that includes both political and institutional considerations, it looks at the constraints these agencies face in developing an approach to child protection that is more preventive in nature and that better reflects the challenges and aspirations of Palestinian children themselves.
Find the abstract here or access the full article through your institution here
Modern Mobility: The role of ICTs in child and youth migration
Plan International recently released a report on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) by children and youth in migration. These groups use ICTs primarily in three ways: to communicate and connect with family and friends; to access information; and to access services. The study shares a number of challenges in using ICTs, including the children's need to remain hidden in certain circumstances, as well as their constant mobility. However, it concludes that ICTs are useful in a wide variety of ways and should be considered as tools that can contribute to child protection when contextually and culturally appropriate. Finally, Plan International makes key recommendations to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations to make use of ICTs. 
Read the full report and recommendations here
ICT in Schools in Uganda and Kenya
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education Study
Experts from Columbia University, Kampala University, and the University of Nairobi collaborated on a one-year study to better understand the use of ICT in secondary education in rural sub-Saharan Africa. The Earth Institute at Columbia University's Connect to Learn (CTL) program has installed computers and broadband in four schools in Uganda and Kenya where the study was conducted. This study aims both to determine if these changes in teaching resulted in improved learning outcomes and to promote the expansion of CTL programming across the globe. According to the researchers, "this report presents a way forward to ensuring that those young people around the world who start off with very little will have an opportunity to achieve their dreams through ICT-integrated education."
Read the full report and findings here
Reaching for Home: Global learning on family reintegration in low and lower-middle income countries
The Child Protection in Crisis Learning Network is a member of the Interagency Group on Reintegration that supported this desk-based research project, which aimed to consolidate learning about reintegrating children into their families and communities. The study collated learning from 77 documents, an online survey of 31 practitioners and policy makers, and 19 interviews with key informants with expertise in children's reintegration. Principles of promising practice are outlined to guide future programming in reintegration. 
Read the full report here
Launch of the Burkina Faso Program Learning Group (PLG)
On October 24th - 25th, 2013, Burkina Faso launched the newest CPC Learning Network PLG. Thirty-one individuals came together, representing government agencies, INGOs, CBOs, and other community organizations, to form the consortium. Together, they developed a work plan and priority areas for the new group. Among the major priority areas discussed were the development of common child protection indicators that could be used across government and NGOs and a focus on endogenous child protection mechanisms. 
Ethical Research Involving Children (ERIC) Launched
The Ethical Research Involving Children Charter and Website have now launched as a result of a joint initiative by Childwatch International Research Network, UNICEF, the Center for Children and Young People at Southern Cross University, and the Children's Issues Centre at the University of Otago. These partners saw the gap in guidance materials on research involving children and came together to fill that void. ERIC provides both practical guidance and a forum for the research community to ask ethical questions and provide possible solutions for one another. 
Access the ERIC site here
The CPC Network is interested in hearing from you! If you have relevant articles, reports or events to share, please send an email to
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