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Division of Student Services Newsletter

Dear Colleagues: 

Recently I was thinking about the Johnny Cash song “I’ve been everywhere” as I left one event to attend another in my quest to learn all I can about this great university!  I’ve participated in student and family orientations; carried student belongings during move-in; taken Admissions tours across campus; attended Transitions events; toured facilities; spoken at faculty events; met with the marching band; cheered on a victory at our first football game; gone on a GVPD night ride-along; and made my way to dozens of meetings, events, and personal introductions.  What an amazingly positive and instructive experience this has been! 

Of course, it has been my goal to “get out and about” as much as possible so I more fully understand the culture, histories, people, hopes, and needs of the GVSU community.  Although this makes for unusually busy days (and sometimes nights and weekends!), I will continue this effort all semester to learn first-hand as much as possible.  

What I have learned already, however, is what a truly extraordinary place this is.  The GVSU collaborative spirit inspires me, the focus on student success compels me, and your efforts motivate me.  Each room you prepare, each student organization you help, each program you organize, each meeting you schedule, each student you assist, each career or hallway conversation you have, each family you help, and on and on… have shown me your compassion for others and our relevance to the university’s excellence.  I know you work hard for our students – I can see it!  Who you are and what you do matters.  Thank you for all you do, and for your welcome to GVSU.  I am thrilled to be on this journey with you!

Here’s to a great academic year!


Professional Development Opportunities

NASPA-Learn. Engage. Advance. The leading voice for the student affairs profession
Grand Valley State University has been selected as a NASPA LEAD Consulting Institution for the 2018-2019 year! Any LEAD sponsored webinars are free to anyone at GVSU-no code needed. The Dean of Students Office also pays for a NASPA institutional membership which also entitles all of you to certain free professional development opportunities. Melissa Baker-Boosamra (bakerbme@gvsu.edu) and Marlene Kowalski-Braun will be hosting the upcoming webinar below:
Meaning, Methods, and Measures: Challenges and Solutions to Assessing Student Affairs Impact
September 12, 2018 
3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Kirkhof Center, 1142
(3 p.m.-4 p.m. is the webinar, 4 p.m.-4:30 p.m. is reserved for discussion/reflection as desired by the group).

While assessment is critical to both accountability and improvement of efforts in student affairs, there are challenges to adapting academic assessment practice to co-curricular programs, resources, and initiatives. This Live Briefing will focus on assessment best practice, keeping in mind the challenges that can exist when applying those concepts to co-curricular endeavors. Although rooted in theory, the content will focus on practical strategies for building effective assessment processes with a civic construct.
You can also 
Register here to participate in this live briefing. 
*Interested in hosting a viewing party? We are happy to help you get the word out to the division. Please email Liz Chase (chaseel@gvsu.edu) with details.
ACPA-College Student Educators International

ACPA-MI 2018 Conference

This year's conference will be held October 14 & 15 on the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor campus. The theme is Creating & Cultivating Change: Inclusive Ways to Transform Environments. 

If you or anyone from your department is presenting, please let us know!

Human Resources Professional Development 

Grand Valley provides free professional development opportunities such as the Excellence Series, AP Leadership Series, or trainings through Sprout and more. Be sure to visit the Human Resources website for more details.
jar of money with a sticky note that says, travel.

Faculty/Staff Exchange Grant

The Faculty/Staff Exchange Grant is designed to significantly deepen and broaden GVSU’s University-wide partnerships through a variety of exchange activities. This program is aimed at helping units and individuals realize their internationalization goals by creating pathways for collaboration with GVSU’s international partners. For more information please visit the Padnos International Center website.


In March 2018, there was a reorganization of the Student Academic Success Center to create a more centralized approach to tutoring and advising of majors and undecided students. It is exciting to welcome new and returning students to these new spaces! Below you will find contact information for tutoring; and exploratory and undecided advising. Please update your resources or materials, as needed. As our students return to campus please encourage them to visit these two new locations.
Tutoring Center
2nd Floor of Kleiner Commons


Exploratory and Undecided Advising
CLAS Academic Advising Center
C-1-140 Mackinac Hall


Congratulations to the following staff who received a promotion; we are thrilled you are helping shape our division!

Eric Klingensmith- Associate Director & Director of Clinical & Crisis Services, University Counseling Center
Jody Tenckinck- Office Assistant, Campus Recreation
Meghan Veltri- Assistant Director of Career Center
Melissa Selby-Theut- Assistant Director of Prevention & Community Education, University Counseling Center
Michael Szydlowski- Director of Student Conduct, Intervention, and Support, Dean of Students
Nicole Marganti- Interim Assistant Director of Alcohol & Other Drugs Campus Education Services, University Counseling Center
Nykia Gaines- Interim Associate Dean, Dean of Students

Office Spotlight

career center staff presenting to room of employers employer speaking into microphone

Career Center

Inclusive Recruitment & Retention Conference
Nearly 130 area employers attended Grand Valley's first Inclusive Recruitment and Retention Conference on July 27, sponsored by the Career Center, Community Service Learning Center and the Division of Inclusion and Equity.

The idea for the conference was formed years ago, as the Career Center’s employer partners increasingly expressed interest in diversifying their candidate pools and learning about inclusive hiring practices and retention strategies.

Conference sessions were led by Grand Valley staff and community members focused on recruiting and retaining women of color, LGBT employees, employing people with disabilities, and being an ally in the workplace. 

Participants left with tangible ideas for ways to take a systemic approach to addressing inclusion at their organizations.  An additional positive outcome of the conference is that participants have been reaching out for additional training from the Division of Inclusion and Equity.
Encourage students to visit the Career Center’s new CareerLab! Held at both campus locations (206 STU and 101B DeVos), CareerLab is open Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.-4 p.m.  

CareerLab is designed as a space for students to “drop-in and work” on anything career-related (developing a resume, interview preparation, evaluating a job offer, and much more!) alongside Career Center advisors and career connectors.
group of housing staff with hands in the air, smiling Grand Valley family moving in

Housing & Residence Life

2018 Move-In Highlights

Residential Communities
Total residents checked in for Fall 2018 - 5,962
We processed 1,254 early arrivals. These included students that were a part of GVSU orientation groups (Black Excellence, Laker Familia, and GVSU Band), student employees, students part of student organizations, and students that needed additional time for moving on to campus.

Helping Hands
Faculty/Staff – 63 for almost 200 hours
Students - 327 individual students (many of which volunteered for multiple shifts) equaling over 2,000 hours
University Departments Represented – 39
Student Organizations Represented – 47+
Alumni - 165 volunteers for over 230 hours
121 Student Athletes (5 teams participated)

We have excellent partners in GVPD and could not offer the level of customer service that we do without careful coordination and logistics. We had 5,311 cars drive through our queue in Lot C over the 3 days of move in or 1.62 cars per student resident…that is just for north campus!  

Ice Cream
Don’t forget about the ice cream! We had 3 great days of move in for Allendale, warm, but great! Keeping everyone cool was our stock of ice cream – 6,960 bars to be exact! 

Division Meetings

For Division Meeting dates, times, and locations visit the Division of Student Services website.
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