UMKC - University of Missouri-Kansas City
April 20, 2020
Dear Students,

Come what may, our work continues. Your university remains fully committed to your education and success.

None of us knows exactly what the future holds, but we are preparing for any and all eventualities. We know you want to earn your degree and graduate on schedule, and we are working hard to remove any barriers that might stand in the way.

Spring graduates—congratulations! You are almost there! 

For those of you who are continuing your educational journey past this May, we are #RooReady to ensure that you have everything you need to succeed at UMKC and complete your degree on time:

      We have a full offering of summer session courses that will be delivered primarily online.

      • We anticipate being back on campus for face-to-face courses and the full UMKC campus experience in the fall. We are mindful, however, that public health officials are recommending that we be ready for multiple scenarios including:
           º Sheltering in place + social distancing.
           º Social distancing only.
           º No need to shelter in place or social distance.
           º Some mix of the above. We may need to move in and out of these strategies through the academic year based on regional disease patterns.

Given these varied possibilities, our approach has been to increase online offerings to maximize flexibility in your course schedules and increase the number of courses that will be taught with a mixture of face-to-face and online elements. We love interacting with you in person and miss the physical presence of our campus community, but everyone at UMKC will follow the guidance of public health and government officials and adapt as needed throughout the semester. Faculty are working diligently this spring and summer to design and re-design their courses with best practices for both face-to-face and online delivery.

This truly has been a semester filled with learning for all of us. We are so grateful that you have chosen to learn with us at UMKC, and our staff and faculty advisors are ready to assist you as you enroll in summer and fall courses. 

We recognize that many students struggle to have the resources they need even in the best of circumstances. Thanks to the generosity of many donors, we have set up an emergency fund to help you meet basic needs that affect your ability to engage and learn. We also have an online A-Z resource guide to assist you now and in future semesters.  

I admire the perseverance you and our faculty have demonstrated throughout this emergency, and I wish you all health and happiness as you finish this most unprecedented semester! 

Best regards,

Jenny Lundgren, Ph.D.
Interim Provost

University of Missouri-Kansas City | Kansas City, MO 64110 | (816) 235-1000
UMKC is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.
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