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by Eric Liguori, VP Publications

Entrepreneurship pedagogy is not just an area of interest for USASBE. Rather, it’s a focal pillar relevant to the entire membership. Beginning with Dean Donna Carolis’ comments at USASBE 2014 in Ft. Worth, and moving forward to today, much discussion around entrepreneurship pedagogy has taken place, so this special edition of LIAISON is here to recap the dialogue to date. Specifically, this issue recaps key thoughts from USASBE 2014, exciting developments for USASBE 2015, the 2014 Entrepreneurship Education Project Conference, and the 2014 California Entrepreneurship Educators Conference. 

As USASBE Member Doan Winkel put it: "What is entrepreneurship education? How do we teach entrepreneurship?  Educators are rethinking and redesigning the pedagogy. The landscape is changing, the rules are changing, and the results are changing. It's an exciting time to be an entrepreneurship educator!" 

The future of entrepreneurship education is sure to look different and we are all in for an exciting journey!
USASBE 2014 Highlight:  The Future of Entrepreneurship Education
by Amanda Moore

Dr. Donna M. De Carolis, Dean of the Charles D. Close School of Entrepreneurship, spoke at USASBE 2014. Her comments and insights on entrepreneurship education were so inspiring and on target we wanted to recap them here in Liaison for those who may have missed the session.

Dr. De Carolis stated, “Upon graduating college, most students, for the next twenty years of their lives, will have approximately ten jobs, scattered in multiple positions within multiple industries. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has told us that several of these jobs might very well be self-employed positions.  The trend toward company outsourcing, downsizing and using contract workers globally is accelerating, bolstered by revolutionary advances not only in information communications and digital technology, but also in all areas of technology and science – accelerating the trend of organizations to shrink their workforce and outsource or secure contract workers.  There will be a shift away from more permanent, lifetime jobs toward less permanent, even nonstandard, employment relationships (e.g., self-employment) and work arrangements (e.g., distance work). Read the entire article here

2014 California Entrepreneurship Educators Conference
by Amanda Moore

The inaugural California Entrepreneurship Educators Conference was held on March 5th & 6th, 2014 at the Lavin Entrepreneurship Center on the San Diego State University campus. The mission of the conference was to connect leaders in entrepreneurship education and serve as a springboard for the sharing of entrepreneurial initiatives taking place on college campuses. The conference was designed in a way that each session focused on engaging interaction between conference participants. San Diego State University was excited to have two past USASBE presidents, Rebecca White and Michael Morris, as featured keynote speakers at the event. The conference highlighted the following:

• Entrepreneurship curriculum design at the undergraduate and graduate level
• Incubator development, challenges and success stories
• The creation of social entrepreneurship programs
• Specialty programs reaching across campus connecting students with diverse backgrounds together to create innovative business models
• Innovative assurance of learning techniques utilized to confirm students are acquiring the competencies necessary to be successful innovators

Dr. Timothy Stearns from the Lyles Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship stated, “The conference was a great opportunity for schools in California to share ideas and provide valuable information about programs offered to their schools. We hope to see this be an annual event.” 

Dr. Alex DeNoble, Executive Director of the Lavin Entrepreneurship Center at SDSU, noted “we were excited and encouraged by the interest level around this topic and the turnout at the inaugural event. Over 80 participants from more than 30 colleges and universities attended the conference. We look forward to future opportunities to enhance the level of entrepreneurship education.” 

The All In Startup Project 
Lastly, here is a very exciting new project from Diana Kander at the Kauffman Foundation.
There are over 10,000 entrepreneurship classrooms in the US, reaching over half a million students, but did you know that the vast majority of educators are teaching entrepreneurship from a textbook, rather than letting students experience it for themselves?  
Teaching entrepreneurship should be a lot less like teaching accounting (theory based) and a lot more like teaching basketball (hands on practice).  

My name is Diana Kander. I am an entrepre.nerd and a Senior Fellow at the Kauffman Foundation.  I've written a novel about the trials and tribulations of starting a business and created an accompanying curriculum to get students out of the classroom to experience launching a new venture for themselves.  
The book, All In Startup, takes place at the World Series of Poker and has more sexual tension than any business book you've ever read (meaning students will actually read it).  AND STUDENTS LOVE IT.  But don't take my word for it...see for yourself:

2014 Entrepreneur Education Project (EEP) Conference
by Eric Liguori

The EEP Conference was held in beautiful Tampa, FL on March 28-29, 2014. The event was housed at the University of Tampa and had over 75 attendees. The main focus of the conference was “Education’s Role in the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem”. Many of the attendees wrote papers pertaining to entrepreneurship and shared their papers in special break-out sessions. 

The conference also had a fun cigar and mojito reception on Friday night where the conference attendees were able to network with one another. The conference concluded Saturday with a workshop from OLE (Online Learning Excellence) - global leaders in online entrepreneurship education.

"Entrepreneurship education gets relegated to the fringes. It is important. It is critical. We need to determine if we are entertainers or if we are actually providing some value. This meeting was a great start down the path to answering that difficult question." 
-- Dr. Benson Honig, Associate Editor, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

"I would hate to see entrepreneurship education regress towards some mean. I think it's a game of outliers. Yes, it's messy. Yes, sometimes we are behind the curve. But, it's context specific. I don't think we want to be one thing for all people. I would encourage us to continue to play messy." 
-- Dr. Jeff Alves, President, International Council for Small Business

USASBE2015 is fast approaching, and there’s a lot in the works for experiential ed!                                by Amy Brownlee and Doan Winkel
Pedagogy is one of the four pillars of USASBE and every year our annual conference reinforces the importance we, as an association, place on innovative pedagogical practices. Highlights of the 2015 conference include the annual Baylor Case Competition featuring cases written by students, a competitive papers track devoted solely to research in the area of pedagogy (chaired by Dr. Luke Pittaway – and a competitive teaching cases track (chaired by Dr. Jody Tompson –
New at the 2015 conference will be a track focusing on innovative, experiential learning activities for entrepreneurship educators. Presenters in this track will actually conduct their experiential activity during their presentation. Best exercises in the track will be invited for publication in the new journal Experiential Entrepreneurship Education. Doan Winkel ( is coordinating this track. 
Finally, the pillar session focusing on pedagogy will feature a distinguished panel of scholars and educators discussing “What We Know About What Works in Entrepreneurship Education”. This is sure to be a “not to be missed” session!
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