Hydrogen: a brighter future for energy

Unlocking sustainability and energy justice with hydrogen.

5 out of our 9 planetary boundaries have reached the point of no return. Rather than leaving the mess of pollution behind for Mars, as suggested by some overzealous billionaires, we need to learn from our mistakes.

In the 16th Century, we started to transition our energy source from burning trees. It’s time we move on from coal, gas and oil. Hydrogen as a clean fuel can help us in this journey, but only if we take the right steps.

Experienced chemist Francois looks at how we can use hydrogen as a clean source of energy in our daily lives.


Francois is an expert in hydrogen technologies. He heads up the MERLin research lab at the School of Chemistry at the University of Sydney. His group investigates the properties of light metals for use in hydrogen storage.

The researchers are developing hydrogen technologies that they believe will democratise hydrogen as an energy vector. Francois’ vision is that we take charge of our individual energy needs with the right technology, including hydrogen technologies that could be printed and used without specialised knowledge. This would be done by storing solar energy in the form of hydrogen and combusting it to generate clean electricity.


Tuesday 4 April, 6:00 PM @Bancho, 10 Thomas Ln, Haymarket, 2000

Also speaking at this location at 8:00 PM is Jeremy Biggs


Banchõ is a cocktail and whisky focused small bar in Sydney's Chinatown, featuring a selection of Japanese and Scotch whisky.