Changemaker Conference
23 -25 March 2023
Frankfurt International School

It is abundantly clear that the world is in need of positive, moral, collaborative leaders who have a vision for a better world. Our planet needs it, people need it, and most of all our students deserve it.

Inspirational Speakers!

Changemaker workshops!

Working with students and adults from around Europe and the world to create a better future!

Watch the recordings 

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Video compilation of the Changemaker Conference 2022
(kudos to the FIS Media team)

Changemaker Highlights.mp4
Changemaker AGIS Video Version 5.mp4

A Changemaker, is a person, child, adult, student, teacher... EVERYONE, who works to  make the world a better place.  They take actions to change the world, whether it is a small action like saying thank you, or something larger like creating an organization. Changemakers actively learn and practice skills for change, seek to conceptually understand this systemic complex world, and build their own character traits to do so . Together we can make a big difference!

We are the FIS Changemakers and have been working for over a year to host this amazing experience. We are working on a conference where people from all around the world can join, to learn about how to a change the world, to make a better place, and share examples of projects and ideas.  

Empathy to Impact Featured Podcasts

A special feature podcast about the FIS Changemaker Program on the Empathy to Impact Podcast by Inspire Citizens.