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Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards

Home Get Assistance The Duke Community Standard Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards


The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards strengthens personal responsibility and accountability through investigation and resolution of alleged violations of university policies.  We encourage honesty, integrity, and respect within the campus community as promoted by our honor code, the Duke Community Standard.

Report an Incident

The university accepts referrals and incident reports from any person who is concerned about the health, safety, conduct, and/or behavior of a Duke student, employee, visitor, or the campus community at large.

Report an Incident

How to Reach Us

The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards is located on the 2nd floor of the Crowell Building, on East Campus behind Wilson and Epworth dorms.

200 Crowell Hall
Box 90893
Durham, NC 27708-0893

Phone: 919-684-6938

Fax: 919-681-7390

Office Hours:
8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday

It is the mission of the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards to partner with students, staff, faculty, and the greater city of Durham to promote citizenship, community, integrity, responsibility, and accountability. This is done through proactive education and engagement, promotion of adaptive resolutions, and connection through community. OSCCS envisions an office that continually grows and evolves with the campus community. OSCCS values truth, transparency, communication and equity. 

We envision an integrated campus community that is committed to the wholistic growth, nurturing, and education of each individual to become the best citizens they can be

  • Duke University has high expectations and regard for its students' engagements and achievements. 
  • The University has an obligation to aid students in their development as "adults committed to high ethical standards and full participation as leaders in their communities" (Duke University Mission Statement). 
  • An integral part of a student's education is the opportunity for self-determination reflected by academic and co-curricular choices and concomitant behavioral decisions. 
  • Institutional policies and procedures should balance the provision of a safe and productive learning environment with protection of individual freedoms. 
  • Students are accountable for the decisions they make and are expected to take responsibility for the consequences (positive and negative) of those decisions. 
  • All members of the community - students, faculty, and staff - play a role in defining community norms and standards and for enabling students' accountability. 
  • Students' actions have bearing on the University community regardless of location and venue. 
  • It is important to balance fundamental fairness/due process with the flexibility required to maintain order and foster learning in a university environment. 
  • Balancing the interests/concerns of individuals with those of the larger community is challenging but of paramount importance. 
  • Each student and situation is unique and should be considered in context, while holding high regard for fairness and consistency. 
  • Parents can play both supportive and challenging roles. 
  • Outreach and response to parents is balanced with students' need for self-determination. 
  • Duke University's disciplinary process is educationally focused. 
  • Responses to violations of policy (sanctions) include educational components that encourage self-reflection. 
  • The disciplinary process in and of itself is educational. 
  • Resources are available to help students navigate the disciplinary process (e.g., disciplinary advisors) who can also support/challenge them, maximizing learning opportunities. 
  • Disciplinary policies and the disciplinary process reflect Duke's history of respect for academic freedom and freedom of speech. 
  • Both the University transcript and disciplinary record accurately reflect a student's performance inside and outside of the classroom. 
  • Outreach and interaction with various facets of the University community help reinforce community expectations and reduce instances of misconduct. 
  • Partnerships across the institution are important. 
  • Members of the University community care for one another. 
  • Everyone makes mistakes. It is not an indictment of one's character to be found in violation of university policy. 
  • Confidentiality is highly valued and is expected of all participants in the disciplinary process. 
  • Motivations of those involved in the disciplinary process are honorable. There are no personal agendas. 
  • Students will participate with integrity in the conduct process. What students say is assumed true unless information indicates to the contrary. 
  • Personnel have the skills and knowledge base to effectively do their jobs 

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