Dear Faculty and Staff Colleagues,
As I’m sure you are witnessing firsthand, many of our students are deeply affected by the ongoing violence in the Middle East. Whether due to their personal connection to the region, the disturbing images on social media, or rising societal unrest, students experiencing emotional distress may find it difficult to focus on their studies.
As educators, we are responsible for maintaining an environment that fosters both academic and emotional growth. It is crucial that we support our students during these challenging times. Please be flexible with students who are experiencing emotional distress related to events in the Middle East. This flexibility may include reasonable extensions on assignments, leniency with attendance policies, and consideration of a student’s emotional state when enforcing deadlines. By providing this support, we can help our students cope with the emotional impact of the ongoing violence without adding to their distress or sidetracking their educational progress.
I understand that each student's situation may vary, and the level of flexibility may differ accordingly. You must use your own best judgment when assessing the individual needs of your students. Remember that students look to their instructors as their main point of contact with Sac State; your empathy and understanding will go a long way in helping our students navigate this challenging time.
Please encourage students affected by the situation to contact Counseling Services at (916) 278-6461. The team offers individual, group, and after-hours crisis counseling. The CARES team provides support to students who are in crisis or experiencing unique challenges to their education. The team coordinates referrals to campus and community resources and offers follow-up support to address a variety of issues. The CARES office is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with case managers meeting primarily by appointment. Students can find instructions on scheduling an appointment by viewing the Make an Appointment Instructions.
I know your students’ wellbeing is your top priority, as it is mine. Let us work together to ensure our campus environment is as empathetic and compassionate as it is academically enriching. Your continued understanding and support of your students is critical to making that happen.
Carlos Nevarez
Interim Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs