Courtney Selby

Associate Dean for Library Services and Professor of Legal Research
Masters in Library and Information Science, July 2004, Summa Cum Laude, The University of Oklahoma, Norman, OKJ.D., August 2001, Cum Laude, The University of Tulsa College of Law, Tulsa, OKB.A. (Sociology and Women’s Studies), May 1997, Magna Cum Laude, The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK

Courtney Selby is the Associate Dean for Library Services and Professor of Legal Research at St. John’s University School of Law.  She received her B.A. in sociology from the University of Tulsa, an M.L.I.S from the University of Oklahoma, and a J.D. from the University of Tulsa.

She is actively involved in the American Association of Law Libraries, serving in a number of leadership roles in several of the association's special interest sections, and continues to publish in the areas of legal research and law librarianship.  Additionally, she is involved with the Association of American Law Schools Section on Technology, Law & Legal Education and has developed student-centered programming to support curricular initiatives at the intersection of law and technology.

In addition to her work in the law library and in information technology, Professor Selby teaches Scholarly Research & Writing and Advanced Legal Research courses for the law school with an emphasis in developing both strategy-based and practice-ready research skills for a new generation of legal professionals.

New York Legal Research, 5th ed. (with Elizabeth G. Adelman, Kathleen Darvil, and Brian Detweiler) (Carolina Academic Press, forthcoming 2025).

Sports Betting: A Legal Research Guide (with Christopher Anderson) (William S. Hein & Co., forthcoming 2024).

Integration & Transformation: Incorporating Critical Information Literacy and Critical Legal Research into Advanced Legal Research Instruction, 43 Northern Illinois University Law Review 280 (2023).

We Are In This Together: A Faculty-Led Approach To Fostering Innovation In Online Instruction, in Law Teaching Strategies For a New Era: Beyond the Physical Classroom (with Rachel H. Smith) (Carolina Academic Press, 2021).

New York Legal Research, 4th ed. (with Elizabeth G. Adelman, Kathleen Darvil, and Brian Detweiler) (Carolina Academic Press, 2020).

Brewery Law: Manufacture and Sale, in National Survey of State Laws (W.S. Hein & Co., 2020).

Tried & True: Fair Use Tales for the Telling – A Symposium Review (with Sarah McCleskey), 3(1) Journal of Copyright in Education and Librarianship, 1-27 (2019).

Library Director as Manager of Union Employees, in academic law library director perspectives case studies, future directions, and general advice (W.S. Hein & Co., Michelle M. Wu Ed. 2015).

New York Legal Research, 3rd ed. (with Elizabeth G. Adelman, Theodora Belniak, and Brian Detweiler) (Carolina Academic Press, 2015).

Oklahoma Legal Research (with Darin Fox and Darla Jackson) (Carolina Academic Press 2013).

Honesty is the Best Policy: Collection Development Policy Revisions in an Era of Change, 36-4 Tech. Serv. L. Libr. 8 (2011).

Statutes and Limitations: Thinking Collaboratively about Print State Codes, 36-3 Tech. Serv. L. Libr. 7 (2011).

Reflections on the Conversation:  an Overview of Collection Development Literature from 2010, 36-2 Tech. Serv. L. Libr. 7 (2011).

Collection Development 2010: Making the Cut, part III, a Serious Look at Serials, 35-4 Tech. Serv. L. Libr. 9 (2010).

Brains!, 35-3 Tech. Serv. L. Libr. 8 (2010).

Collection Development 2009: Making the Cut, part II, a Periodic Debate, 35-2 Tech. Serv. L. Libr. 8 (2009).

Collection Development 2009: Making the Cut, part I, 34-4 Tech. Serv. L. Libr. 10 (2009).

The Evolution of the Reference Interview, 26 Legal Ref. Serv. Q. 35 (2007).

(Editorial Advisor) AALL Social Responsibilities Special Interest Section Standing Committee on Lesbian and Gay Issues, Sexual Orientation and the Law : A Research Bibliography (W.S. Hein & Co. 2007).


Integration & Transformation: Incorporating Critical Information Literacy and Critical Legal Research into Advanced Legal Research Instruction – Northern Illinois University Law Review Virtual Symposium (1/2023)

(Re)Searching for Justice: Teaching Critical and Alternative Legal Research to Aspiring Social Justice Lawyers – AALL Annual Meeting panelist (7/19/22)

Supporting Scholarship to Build Bridges to Our Colleagues, Peers and Students – AALS Annual Meeting panelist (1/6/19)

Top Ten Tips for Teaching Administrative Law Research – AALL Annual Meeting panelist (7/16/18)

Law Library Services in 2020: Evolution and Revolution—AALS Annual Meeting panelist (1/6/17)

Ask the Experts Tough Questions and Essential Lessons on Personnel Management— AALL Continuing Professional Education Committee program moderator (11/30/16)

Copyright Issues in Institutional Repositories— AALL Continuing Professional Education Committee program moderator (8/18/16)

Strategies for Online Student Engagement and Learning— AALL Continuing Professional Education Committee program moderator (3/30/16)

Courtroom Technology: Trends and Practical Insights— AALL Continuing Professional Education Committee program moderator (12/9/14)

Legal Writing Institute Teaching Workshop—co-presenter with Kathy Darvil of Brooklyn Law School—Developing New Partnerships With Faculty Teaching Doctrinal Courses (12/2/2011)

Legal Writing Institute Teaching Workshop—co-presenter with R. Ducey on Legal Research Exercise Development, Skills Assessment and WestlawNext instruction (12/3/2010)

“Collection Development Tools: From Tried and True to Spiffy and New” –presenter at AALL Annual Meeting (7/9/2010); presented again for MAALL Annual Meeting (10/15/2010)

“Let’s Talk Legal Research Knowledge/Skills Assessment”—co-presenter at MAALL Annual Meeting (10/17/2009)

“Let’s Talk Legal Research Instruction—What We Can Learn From Each Other”—co-presenter at MAALL Annual Meeting (10/17/2009)

“Automating the Selection, Acquisition, and Cataloging Functions Using YBP’s GOBI System”—co-presenter at MAALL Annual Meeting (10/15/2009)

“ALL-SIS Collection Development Roundtable—Making the cut: collection development in the face of shrinking budgets”—presenter at AALL Annual Meeting (7/26/2009)

“Take the Lead: Journey to Authentic Leadership”—webinar presenter (1/22/2009)

 “Visionary Collection Development: Strategies for Building Legal Collections on Emerging Social Issues”—panel moderator at AALL Annual Meeting (7/17/2005)

Faculty Outstanding Achievement Medalist (2024)

Dean’s Award for Outstanding Service (2020-2021)

Named one of 40 Best LGBT Attorneys Under 40 by the LGBT Bar Association (2013)

Named to the Wolters Kluwer Law & Business Law Librarian Advisory Board (2012)

Law Library Association of Greater New York Workshop Grant (2012)

Academic Law Libraries-Special Interest Section Experienced Member Grant (2010)

Technical Services- Special Interest Section Grant (2010)

American Association of Law Libraries Leadership Academy Fellow (2008)

University of Tulsa College of Law Outstanding Adjunct Professor (2007-2008)

Southwestern Association of Law Libraries Grant (2006)

Social Responsibilities-Special Interest Section Alan Holoch Memorial Grant (2005)

American Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting Grant (2004)

American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) 2003-present
Academic Law Libraries Special Interest Section (ALL-SIS) 2003-present
AALL Computer Services Special Interest Section (CS-SIS) 2011-2014
AALL Social Responsibility Special Interest Section (SR-SIS), 2005-present
AALL Technical Services Special Interest Section (TS-SIS) 2003-2011
AALL Leadership Development Committee (2009-2010)
Continuing Professional Education Committee (Vice Chair 2015-2016, Chair 2016-2017)
Innovations in Technology Award Jury Member (Vice Chair 2019-2020, Chair 2020-2021)
Appointments Committee (2022-2023)
Inclusive Community Outreach Special Committee, Chair (2023-2024)

American Association of Law Schools (AALS) 2011-present

Law Library Association of Greater New York 2011-present

Mid America Association of Law Libraries (MAALL), 2003-2011, Treasurer 2009-2011

Oklahoma Bar Association (OBA), admitted to the Oklahoma Bar in 2002

Oklahoma Law Librarians (OKLL) 2005-2011

Society of Academic Law Library Directors (2011-present, Member at Large 2014-2015 and 2018-2020, webmaster 2015-present)

Southwestern Association of Law Libraries (SWALL) 2003-2011