Calendar of Events

Dogwood Arts: Open Trails

Category: Free event, Kids, family and Science, nature

Since 1955, Dogwood Arts has hosted Knoxville’s favorite springtime celebration. What started as a neighborhood beautification project, has blossomed into a year-round celebration of our region’s art, culture, and natural beauty. With the month of April quickly approaching, Dogwood Arts is gearing up to do it all again with events and programs for the entire community to enjoy.

Knoxville’s historic Dogwood Trails date back to 1955 and today cover more than 90 miles in 13 neighborhoods throughout the city. The Dogwood Trails, Open Gardens, and Camera Sites are open April 1-30th and visitors are invited to drive, walk, or bike the Trails as they take in the natural scenic beauty of East Tennessee in the springtime. Open Gardens and Camera Sites are open 10AM-6PM daily.

Visitors can find Trailhead addresses, trail maps, and a list of Open Gardens, Camera Sites, and Walking Trails online at Printed Trail Guides are available at Visit Knoxville, all ORNL Federal Credit Union Branches, and the Dogwood Arts office [123 W. Jackson Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37902]. Info: 865-637-4561