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New Canvas Feature: Submit on Behalf of Student


This new feature allows a course teacher to submit an assignment on a student's behalf. The teacher role can upload a document that their student has given them in via email or other method while keeping the ability to assess, annotate, provide feedback, and keep submission history in Canvas.

This function is only available in courses for assignments with “File Upload” as a submission option. It is not available for Quizzes or Discussions. Submissions can be made for current courses and courses from previous semesters.

How to submit on Behalf of Student

Step 1

Go to the course gradebook and find the assignment and the student you will submit it for.

A line item in the grade book for Herbert Test 01 and a red box around Assignment 3 with zero points

Step 2

Click on the box where the assignment score is displayed (it is not necessary to have a previously scored assignment) and then click on the arrow that is pointing to the right. Clicking on the box will bring up the “grading tray” on the right-hand side of the Gradebook. It will show the name of the assignment and the student’s name. Confirm that the assignment name and student’s name are correct.

Assignment 3 in the grade book with zero points and the cursor on the right-facing arrow

The grade book with an open box and a button marked Submit for Student

Step 3

Click on the “Submit for Student” button. Clicking on that button will bring up a screen where you can select the file that will be uploaded.

The open box with a red box around the Submit for Student button


The drag and drop upload box in Canvas for submitting assignments

Step 4

You can drag and drop the file or click on the box to find it on your computer. Once you have selected the file, its name will appear towards the top of the box. Click on the Submit button on the lower left corner to submit the assignment.

The drag and drop upload box in Canvas with a red box around the instructor-submitted assignment


The drag and drop upload box in Canvas with a green check indicating the assignment has been submitted

Upon submission you will get a green checkmark confirming the upload. Click on the close button to return to the gradebook and grading tray. The grading tray will now display your name along with the date and time you uploaded the submission.

The grade book open box with the instructor submission date highlighted

When you look at the assignment in the SpeedGrader, your name will also appear showing that the submission was done by you.

 The instructor-submitted assignment open in SpeedGrader with the submission date highlighted