Family Care for Children with Disabilities: Practical Guidance for Frontline Workers in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Elayn M. Sammon and Gwen Burchell - World Learning, Partnerships for Every Child, USAID

Family Care for Children with Disabilities: Practical Guidance for Frontline Workers in Low- and Middle-Income Countries was developed to help front-line personnel (social service workers and others) in low- and middle-income countries to work effectively with children with disabilities and their families. It was written particularly for those who have little or no experience working with children with disabilities, and it provides easy to read information and advice for those who may have little or no experience working with children with disabilities. It is intended to supplement other guidance on case management. It includes more than 50 pages of practical guidance, 153 links to resource documents, as well as tips for policy makers and program planners.

We anticipate that Family Care for Children with Disabilities will need to be revised in the future based on experience with its use, new resources that become available, and new developments in case management practice. To help ensure that the next version will be even stronger and more useful, please use the link below to provide recommendations. In general, we hope to keep any future version to a similar length, improving or updating the wording to make it more useful and including hyperlinks to relevant resources.


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