State Report Card

The State Report Card is a one-stop shop to find information on how Tennessee districts and schools are performing across the state and a valuable tool for parents and families, educators, communities, and elected officials to understand how our schools and districts are serving all our students.

The 2023-24 State Report Card includes a dashboard of detailed, easy-to-understand information about school and district performance, including student achievement, growth, enrollment, English learners’ proficiency, graduation rate, postsecondary readiness, discipline, and School Letter Grades.

The 2023-24 State Report Card also includes staff information, school and district funding information, and a TISA calculator to demonstrate how students generate funds under the state funding formula. State-level data is also provided as a reference to understand how schools and districts are performing in comparison with others across the state.

Click the image above to access the 2023-24 State Report Card

Schools, districts, parents, and community members can access current and former datasets published on the State Report Card via Data Downloads. For additional information on our Accountability business rules, please review the 2023-24 Federal Accountability Protocol and 2023-24 Letter Grade Protocol.