Calendar of Events

Art Market Gallery: Yvonne Dalschen and Sherrie Wilson

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event

First Friday Reception: March 7th, 5:30 - 9 pm

March Featured Artists
Yvonne Dalschen is a German photographer living in Oak Ridge, TN. She is interested in histories of place, cultural landscapes, complexities of memory, and digital experimentation. She earned an MA in Comparative Literature from the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and a Photography Certificate from the University of Tennessee. Her images have been exhibited nationally and internationally from Oak Ridge to Sydney, Australia, recently at the TVUUC Gallery, the Knoxville Museum of Art, The Bascom Center in Highlands, NC, and UGA’s Circle Gallery. She is a member of Art Market Gallery, Arts & Culture Alliance, Kinship Photography Collective, A1LabArts, PPETN, SANP and CCOR.

Sherrie Wilson is a life-long artist, specializing in fiber arts and silversmithing. Growing up in East Tennessee, she was influenced by her mother and grandmother, both exemplary needlewomen, to work with fabric and thread. She continued that journey through quilting and weaving. In 2022 Sherrie began working with silver to create hand forged jewelry. She has taken classes with Morning Sherrod at Arrowmont and has exhibited at the Foothills Craft Guild, Tennessee Craft, and the Art Market Gallery. Sherrie makes jewelry in her home studio in Powell where she lives after acquiring drivers licenses in 7 states from Massachussetts to Texas. She maintains a weaving studio as well, working in freestyle weaving to create clothing and wall pieces. Sherrie studied weaving in several studios in the US and at Saori no Mori in Japan. She maintained a teaching studio for several years and has taught weaving and sewing in Texas, California, and Tennessee. Sherrie is a member of the Art Market Gallery, Foothills Craft Guild, and Tennessee Craft.

Art Market Gallery, 422 S. Gay St, Knoxville, TN 37902. Hours: Tu-Sa 11-6, Su 1-6. Information: 865-525-5265,,