Empowering gender outlaws to liberate themselves and their communities from the oppressive constraints of a binary gendered world.

ABOUT Dr. Denise


Hi, I’m Denise! Denise! — a trans and non-binary empowerment coach and strategist. I first pursued a traditional academic career as a sociology and women, gender, and sexuality studies professor in hopes of making a difference in the world. Inevitably, I left higher education to become a more impactful non-binary and trans liberation activist. I launched my own coaching and consulting business in 2022 to pursue intersectional queer, trans, and intersex justice work full time. I live with my husband and two chonkers in Richmond, VA. I am a fat mixed-Black queer non-binary femme with disabilities.

I am committed to business and activist practices that are intersectional, anti-racist, feminist, pro-LGBTQIA+, body positive, anti-ableist, anti-ageist, anti-classist, anti-xenophobic, anti-caste, and environmentally-conscious:

  • Advocate for sustainable transformational justice.
  • Amplify the voices, ideas, creations and creative works, herstories, and needs of those harmed by multiple, intersecting systems of oppression
  • Aggravate the status quo that normalizes harmful behaviors and justifies inequality
  • Abolish harmful institutions and systems that profit from exploitation and oppression