Gathering for Loggers from Hawai'i

Add to Calendar 2023-08-22 12:30:00 2023-08-22 13:30:00 Gathering for Loggers from Hawai'i In the wake of the devastation in Lahiana and significant fires burning elsewhere on Maui and on the Big Island, the Division of Student Affairs is inviting Loggers from (or with deep connections to) Hawai'i to gather for informal space to connect, support, and be together.  These gatherings will be hosted by a variety of staff from Student Affairs, but will be primarily for those impacted to have some dedicated space as the school year starts. Location Contact Information Dave Wright 425.218.5596 America/Los_Angeles public
Aug 22, 2023
12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

In the wake of the devastation in Lahiana and significant fires burning elsewhere on Maui and on the Big Island, the Division of Student Affairs is inviting Loggers from (or with deep connections to) Hawai'i to gather for informal space to connect, support, and be together.  These gatherings will be hosted by a variety of staff from Student Affairs, but will be primarily for those impacted to have some dedicated space as the school year starts.

Hawaii Gatherings
Event Location

Trimble Forum

Contact Information
Dave Wright