Welcome to "Religion and Justice," a podcast brought to you by the Wendland-Cook Program in Religion and Justice at Vanderbilt Divinity School.
We explore the intersections of class, religion, labor, and ecology, which bring together diverse populations and publics uncovering their implications for justice and solidarity
This podcast is a space for investigation, education, and organizing around these intersections. Join us as we engage in thought-provoking discussions with experts, fostering dialogue for actionable change. Together, we navigate religion, justice, and solidarity for a more equitable future.
If your work or scholarship intersects with class, religion, labor, and/or ecology, and you’d like to be featured on the podcast, please contact Gabby (gabby@religionandjustice.org) with your pitch.
George Schmidt (he/him/ours)
George is the father of Frida Democracia Romero-Schmidt, the husband of Larissa Romero, and the son of Judy and Steve Schmidt. He was born along the Ohio River in southern Indiana and graduated from Union Theological Seminary. After seminary, George worked as a community organizer in New York in a number of capacities. Ordained by the Disciples of Christ, he serves as a chaplain in the prison, hospice, and military setting. His doctoral research primarily revolves around a genealogy of corporate personhood. It seeks to imagine new ways of forming theological movements and moments that have the potential to form pluralist assemblages of multiple action directed primarily at the stranglehold of corporate power.
Gabriella Lisi (she/they/he)
They reside in Columbus, OH with their wife Sophia, and their dog, Atlas. Gabby graduated from Union Theological Seminary in May 2022 with a Master of Divinity. In 2019, they graduated from Xavier University with a Bachelors in Criminal Justice and Theology. They currently work at The Ohio State University as a Civil Rights Investigator. They are passionate on issues of queer identity and class. In their spare time, you can find them camping in their truck or reading a book at home.