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Hidden Histories

Faith and Black Lesbian Leadership


Pages: 240

Illustrations: 19 illustrations

Published: March 2023

In Hidden Histories, Monique Moultrie collects oral histories of Black lesbian religious leaders in the United States to show how their authenticity, social justice awareness, spirituality, and collaborative leadership make them models of womanist ethical leadership. By examining their life histories, Moultrie frames queer storytelling as an ethical act of resistance to the racism, sexism, and heterosexism these women experience. She outlines these women’s collaborative, intergenerational, and leadership styles, and their concerns for the greater good and holistic well-being of humanity and the earth. She also demonstrates how their ethos of social justice activism extends beyond LGBTQ and racialized communities and provides other models of religious and community leadership. Addressing the invisibility of Black lesbian religious leaders in scholarship and public discourse, Moultrie revises modern understandings of how race, gender, and sexual identities interact with religious practice and organization in the twenty-first century.


“Monique Moultrie gives credence to Black female vanguards by emphasizing that sexual identity is essential to understanding the leadership styles of those who live at the intersections of race, class, and gender oppression and sexual invisibility. Offering a corrective to analyses of leadership studies based on white heteronormative male perspectives while asking profound and fundamental questions that are relevant to scholars in several fields, this poignant and compelling book makes a significant contribution to the guild and society.” - Stacey Floyd-Thomas, E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Chair in Ethics and Society, Vanderbilt University

“In this pioneering and beautifully written book Monique Moultrie analyzes the contributions of Black lesbian religious leaders to new forms of ethical leadership, contrasting their models of shared leadership with the forms most associated with Black male religious leaders that focus more on the charismatic individual. No previous scholar has ever told these stories, making Hidden Histories of great importance to the study of religion in the United States; research on models of leadership; women’s, gender, and sexuality studies; and African American studies.” - Bernadette J. Brooten, Myra and Robert Kraft and Jacob Hiatt Professor of Christian Studies, Emerita, Brandeis University

"Moultrie’s eighteen oral history interviews of Black lesbian religious leaders are a precious gift to the future study of queer religions, Black religions, and American religions." - William Stell, American Religion


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Author/Editor Bios

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Monique Moultrie is Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Georgia State University and author of Passionate and Pious: Religious Media and Black Women’s Sexuality, also published by Duke University Press.

Table Of Contents

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Acknowledgments  ix
Introduction. That Their Living Will Not Be in Vain  1
1. Shattering Stain-Glassed Ceilings: African American Queer Storytelling  17
2. Going to Hell for My Authenticity: Existence as Resistance  38
3. Justice Is Spiritual: Interrogating Spiritual Activism  68
4. Mighty Causes Are Calling Us: Expanding Womanist Spiritualities  103
5. Doing the Work Their Souls Must Have: Cultivating Womanist Ethical Leadership  126
Conclusion. Leading from the Margins  168
Epilogue. Online Archives  182
Appendix: Interview Guide  187
Interview Guide  187
Notes  189
Bibliography  203
Index  217


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Related Links Paper ISBN: 978-1-4780-1911-4 / Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4780-1647-2 / eISBN: 978-1-4780-2374-6 / DOI: https://doi.org/10.1215/9781478023746