This Learning Community is a partnership between the Patient Insight Institute and SIREN to integrate a patient voice and perspective into existing and new projects focused on the intersection of social needs and healthcare

About us…

  • Social Interventions Research and Evaluation Network (SIREN) is a research acceleration and dissemination initiative at the University of California, San Francisco. Our mission is to improve health and health equity by advancing high quality research on health care sector strategies to improve social conditions.

  • A sub-committee of 15 of the Institute’s Experts by Experience (ExE) convene 5 times a year with select researchers to discuss social needs and equity related research projects and events. Our patient and caregiver ExEs provide valuable insights to create, refine, and drive research initiatives.

  • This group recently advised on a UCSF research interview guide to be used for interviewing patients about screening for social determinants of health, including how and what to ask as part of their qualitative research project.

    This group will also be integrated into planning activities for SIREN’s Annual Research Meeting, including the review of their upcoming RFP.

ExE members, click above to access meeting schedule, materials, and resources. Use the password provided to you via email.

The Social Need & Equity Learning Community was partially funded through generous support from Social Interventions Research and Evaluation Network.