inglemoor design for change

what is design for change?

Design for Change is an international organization that’s dedicated to empowering students to create change in their communities and in global issues, and while that may seem hard to do as high school students, we want to help students make change in the issues they care about. We do that by using the steps to Design for Change, which include Feel, Imagine, Do and Share.

Steps to design for change!

Design for Change has implemented a four-step process with the steps Feel, Imagine, Do, and Share, which is designed to help students create original initiatives to help the community.

#1: feel

The first step is Feel, which is helping students gain empathy and understand the issue.

#2: imagine

The second step is Imagine, where students will work together to brainstorm solutions to an issue that they believe is important in the community.

#3: do

The third step is Do, which is the step where students will take action in their community, after brainstorming ideas for change.

#4: share

And the last step is to Share! We want to empower other people to create change in their communities too, so it’s important to share our story with others!

at design for change, our goals align with the u.n. sustainable development goals...

The U.N. Sustainable Development Goals are 17 goals designed to be a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all and address the global challenges faced by millions of people worldwide, such as poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, and justice. We want to help students take action to improve the future and our community!

interested in joining us? click here!