Rewire Music Theory

Step into the realm of musical innovation with our exceptional curriculum designed to bridge the gap between traditional and contemporary learning approaches. Introducing a unique educational space that combines music theory with hands-on skills, our course creates an enriching experience for both traditional and nontraditional students alike.

Course Highlights:

This extraordinary curriculum seamlessly intertwines theoretical concepts with practical, real-world applications. Students don't just learn music theory; they apply it through live performances, songwriting, and recording original and student-selected compositions. Tailor-made for secondary and post secondary music classes, this course offers a holistic approach to musical education, and it is equally suited for college-level students seeking a seamless transition.

The REWIRE Framework:

Our curriculum follows the REWIRE framework, a comprehensive approach that stands for Record, Ear training, Write, Improvise, Read, and Evaluate/analyze. Each lesson includes these elements to create meaningful connections to the principals of music.


Created and honed in an incubator environment with input from professors at esteemed universities like the University of Miami, Berklee, and Columbia College of Music, our course is backed by the expertise of pop music education pioneers. By using popular music as a medium, the curriculum resonates with students' interests and connects theory to their passions, providing college readiness opportunities for nontraditional musicians.

Interactive Resources:

Equipped with built-in Soundtrap templates, interactive Noteflight scores, user-friendly animations, and multi-cam walkthrough videos, our curriculum caters to various learning styles. It offers an accessible avenue to grasp theoretical concepts and apply them in practical contexts, aligning with the demands of college-level music education.

Tailored for Educators:

Educators receive a wealth of resources, including lesson plans, unit guides, and rubrics. The curriculum can also be adapted for group piano settings, making it a perfect foundation for modern band ensembles and providing students with a strong grasp of pop harmony.

Bringing Theory to Life:

Utilizing silent ensembles, students can apply their learning in group settings, transforming theory into a vibrant musical reality.

Experience the future of music education with our groundbreaking curriculum. Whether students are new to music or seasoned enthusiasts, our course empowers them to become confident musicians, creators, and theorists. Join us in reshaping musical education today and providing a pathway for nontraditional musicians to succeed in college and beyond.


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