The #JustPay Campaign is fighting to end government-sanctioned poverty wages for human services workers.

About the Campaign

Non human services workers holding JustPay Campaign signs


The government is not just the predominant funder of human services and is also the main driver of human services salaries.  Current New York City and State contracts have resulted in the essential human services workforce being some of the lowest paid workers in New York’s economy. It is unacceptable that human services workers are given inadequate pay, inadequate benefits and inadequate opportunities for career advancements.  

We must put a stop to this exploitation.  

Together, our mission is to put an end to government sanctioned poverty wages for human services workers. 


The #JustPay Campaign seeks to implement changes around inequitable pay among human services workers with emphasis on these core reforms: 

  • Establish, fund, and enforce an automatic annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) on all human services contracts.

  • Create, fund, and incorporate a comprehensive wage and benefit schedule for government contracted human services workers comparable to the salaries made by City and State employees in the same field. 

Learn more about our campaign asks here.

Nonprofit human services worker holding JustPay sign
Nonprofit human services workers holding JustPay signs


The human services sector came to the pandemic already confronting their own crisis yet put forward herculean effort into fighting the pandemic.

Recovery from the pandemic has put us on the cusp of change and human services are critical for New York’s recovery from COVID-19. We must seize this opportunity and act NOW to invigorate our City, State, and the workers who sustain it.