Arthur Chapman’s automobile law practice group offers self-insured entities, insurance companies, and their insureds advice and representation in the areas of liability, uninsured and underinsured, No-Fault, automobile coverage, and appellate matters.

Clients rely on Arthur Chapman attorneys for claim evaluation as well as effective file handling, trial experience, and appellate knowledge. The attorneys in our group are known for their dedication and practical handling of files from initial phases through trial and appellate processes. Our vast experience allows us to determine the best course of action in any automobile case.

For example, we are on the forefront of the evolving interpretation of first party bad faith laws that have increased litigation since their enactment. Our attorneys are licensed in many states including: Minnesota, Wisconsin, North and South Dakota, Iowa, and Michigan.

Our expertise

  • Appellate
  • Arbitration and Litigation 
  • Automobile Coverage
  • Automobile Litigation 
  • Bad Faith 
  • Uninsured/Underinsured 
  • No-Fault

Learn more
As proven litigators, educators, and advocates, we serve as a comprehensive resource for our clients. We welcome the opportunity to partner and strategize with you on any legal matters.

The Team

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