California State University, Sacramento Logo

Bias Reporting Tool (BRT)

Our Message

Sacramento State takes its responsibility to create a campus culture and environment where students, faculty, staff and visitors feel a sense of belonging and equality in human value. We acknowledge that we all have bias and not every interaction, experience, or practice will be in alignment with our campus culture goal.

To identify and address bias incidents that occur in our everyday environments, we have developed the Bias Reporting Tool (BRT). The tool will allow us to capture experiences of bias that do not fall within the jurisdiction of other offices but deserve to be acknowledged, affirmed, and addressed in a systematic manner.

If you have been subject to, or are an observer of, an incident of bias that negatively impacted your sense of belonging, please complete and submit a bias incident report.

If you require assistance in completing the report or have questions, please email


This Bias Reporting Tool is to be used only to report non-emergency bias incidents.

It is important to note the Belonging Education & Support office does not conduct formal investigations, execute progressive discipline, adjudicate cases or issue sanctions. The Bias Reporting Tool (BRT) was designed to document acts of bias within our community, to collect and report data to better understand the complex needs of our campus community, provide support to those impacted, and to offer systemic recommendations for reducing bias and increasing belonging on our campus.

We strive to respect your privacy as much as possible, however, depending upon the subject matter of the report, and to comply with California State University (CSU) policies and California law, we may be required to share bias reports with other offices.


Other reporting options are:


1. Sacramento State Campus Police:

If you have been the victim of a crime on-campus, or there exists a threat to the safety of our campus community, please report it to Sacramento State Police by calling dispatch at (916) 278-6000.


Sacramento State Campus Police are available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.


If you are on-campus you can call 911 from any campus phone to reach Sacramento State Campus Police.

You can email Sacramento State Campus Police:


Visit their webpage at


2. Title IX – Office of Equal Opportunity

If you believe you have experienced Sexual Misconduct, Dating or Domestic Violence, Stalking, or Sexual Exploitation please use the link below to access the Title IX Reporting Form:


If you believe you have experienced Discrimination, Harassment, or Retaliation, please use the link below to access the Title IX Reporting Form:


For questions regarding the Title IX forms, please contact the Title IX Coordinator at  or call (916) 278-5770.


3. Student Misconduct

If you want to report alleged student misconduct, please access their reporting form using the below link:


If you have questions, please contact the Office of Student Conduct via


4. Disability Access Center (DAC)

DAC ensures that qualified students with disabilities receive appropriate accommodations at Sac State. To apply for an accommodation, please access the student portal using the below link:


5. Human Resources Employee and Labor Relations Office

If you are a Sacramento State employee, please contact the Human Resources Employee and Labor Relations Office to discuss workplace matters.


You can contact HR Employee and Labor Relations in three ways: e-mail at, by telephone at (916) 278-6169, or in-person. The Employee and Labor Relations Office is located in Del Norte Hall 3002.


6. Office of Disability Justice (ODJ)

The Office for Disability Justice (ODJ) provides education and guidance on disability-related issues. ODJ works to actively address ableism at its roots, to bring change at the systemic level and create a more inclusive, welcoming campus culture and community for Sac State’s students, staff, faculty, and visitors. For more information visit ODJ’s webpage.


Other Resources:

If you would like to access to other resources available to you as a member of our campus community please visit the Sacramento State and Local Resource list.


Bias Reporting Tool Form

To effectively address the reported issue, we must collect some information from you. Please answer as many of the questions as you can.

If you choose to submit the report anonymously, we will not be able to follow up with you directly on this report and it may limit the university in its response.

Before entering a report, it may be useful to review the following definitions:

Definition of Bias

A bias incident is any type of prejudice or favor, for or against, a person, group, department, program, etc. and is considered to be unfair treatment, outcome, or disparate impact to an individual, group, or department.


Definition of Roles:

  • Concerned Individual: The individual making the bias report and/or the person who experienced the alleged behavior.
  • Responding Individual: The individual who engaged in the alleged biased behavior
  • Bystander/Observer: An individual who has firsthand knowledge or observed the alleged behavior or intervened.
  • Reporter (Non-observer): An individual who received the report of the alleged behavior but did not directly observe the event.


What will happen after I complete the bias report?

When a bias incident report is entered on the Bias Reporting Tool (BRT), the Belonging Education Support Team (BEST) team is notified by email. The report is reviewed by BEST within 48 - 72 hours of receipt and the reporting party will be contacted. If the report falls within the purview of the Office for Cultural Transformation the reporting party will be contacted by email.

If the allegations contained in the report fall within the jursidiction of a different office, the office will initiate a referral to that office and will advise the reporting party.

I. Concerned Individual Information:

If you would like follow-up and to be contacted, complete this portion. If you wish to submit anonymously do not provide contact or identifiable information.

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Position/Title/Relationship to the University
Email address must be of a valid format.
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Phone or Email?
This field is required.
This field is required.
This field is required.
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Please provide additional information about the incident location

II. Involved Persons:

Please include information about all that are involved.

Involved party 1

III. The Bias Report

This field is required.
What type of act of bias took place? (Select the primary type):(Required)
You must make at least one selection.
Which protected class groups were the target of this incident? (Check all that apply) These characteristics may include, but are not limited to:(Required)
You must make at least one selection.
How did you learn about the Bias Reporting Tool?(Required)
You must make at least one selection.
This field is required.
Section VIII: Forms of Support Instruction: Identify the form of support or intervention you are seeking.(Required)
You must make at least one selection.
This field is required.

IV. Documents

Please attach photos, video, email, and other supporting documents relevant to this report. 5GB is the maximum total size. Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form. 5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.
