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Virtual Urgent Care

The SickKids virtual urgent care program offers a convenient way to get medical advice or care remotely using technology, such as a computer or smartphone. Answer some short questions using the symptom checker and you will be directed to the most appropriate care setting based on the information provided. This may include a virtual urgent care visit with a member of the SickKids Emergency Department clinical team, a recommendation to visit a primary care provider in your community along with educational information to assist you, or you may be directed to your local emergency department. The secure platform is available on any smartphone, tablet or computer with internet.

If you or your child are experiencing a medical emergency, please visit your local emergency department or call 911 immediately.

Virtual urgent care is for non-emergency situations.

Please note: Virtual urgent care visits are available between 9:15 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. To be eligible for a virtual urgent care visit, the patient must:

  • be present for the virtual visit (child/youth cannot be at school/daycare)
  • currently live in our virtual urgent care service region (PDF)
  • have a valid OHIP health card
  • be under the age of 18
  • be in Ontario during the virtual visit (cannot be used while on vacation out of province)

Contact a primary care provider (paediatrician/family physician/nurse practitioner) right away if your child shows any of the following symptoms. If you can't reach a primary care provider, take your child to your local emergency department right away.

  • When your child has diarrhea and vomiting, and has no tears, dry mouth, or is not peeing.
  • When your baby under three months of age has a fever over 38oC or 100.4oF.
  • When your child has difficulty breathing.
  • When your child develops a rash that does not turn white when you push on it.
  • When your child has a fever and/or is difficult to wake up or is very sleepy.
  • When your child has a significant fall/injury.

The symptom checker is available 24/7 to patients in our virtual urgent care service region (PDF) to help determine if your concern needs an emergency department visit or could be treated by your primary care provider.

When you begin your virtual urgent care experience a new web page will open where you will be asked to fill in your/your child’s name and other information. Next you will be able to select a concern from a list and include a secondary symptom (e.g. fever). Using this information, the built-in symptom checker will guide you to the most appropriate care setting based on the information provided. This may include:

  • A recommendation to visit a primary care provider (paediatrician, family physician, nurse practitioner), along with educational supports to manage your concern
  • A recommendation to visit your local emergency department
  • A virtual urgent care visit with a member of the SickKids Emergency Department clinical team, for those who are eligible

Begin your virtual urgent care experience.

Hours: 9:15 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Launch Virtual Urgent Care

If you're near the Lawrence Allen Centre, visit the on-site SickKids Virtual Urgent Care Kiosk for help!

While no clinicians are at the kiosk, a greeter can help you access SickKids’ Virtual Urgent Care program to see if your child is eligible for a virtual visit with the Emergency Department. Eligibility criteria to use the Kiosk are the same as the criteria listed above.

Technical support

If you experience technical issues connecting to your virtual visit, please contact us at 416-813-8046.

clinical research clipboard icon


Securely access you or your child’s SickKids health records online.

Virtual Clinic Visits

Not looking for urgent care? Get information about how to prepare for a virtual clinic appointment at SickKids.

How to use the platform

We are committed to providing accessible formats as part of our commitment to Accessibility. Captions are available on this video through YouTube.

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Frequently asked questions

If you do not see your concern on the list in the symptom checker and you need immediate care, please contact or visit your primary care provider or local emergency department.

A virtual urgent care visit is like seeking care from an emergency care provider in an emergency room, but virtually from your smartphone, tablet or computer. You will enter your personal information including your email and phone number and you will enter a virtual waiting room. You will then receive an email and/or text message when the member of the SickKids Emergency Department clinical team is ready to start your virtual urgent care visit and you will be able to receive convenient, high-quality care to address your/your child's non-emergency needs.

You will need your smartphone, tablet or computer, as well as cellular service or an internet connection. Note that the strength of your internet connection can affect the quality of audio and video. Both Apple and Android devices are supported; Safari is recommended on Apple devices and Chrome is recommended for Android devices. 

When prompted, make sure to enable access to your camera and microphone. Pop-ups need to be enabled on your browser settings.

For more technology support refer to the technical FAQs (PDF). 

If you are experiencing technical difficulties joining your virtual urgent care visit please call 416-813-8046.

For people who are eligible for a virtual urgent care visit, it may take a couple of hours if our virtual urgent care platform is busy. The clinical team member will text and/or email you when they are ready to start the virtual urgent care visit with you or your child.

Yes, you may invite other people such as family members or caregivers to join your virtual urgent care visit. This option will be available in the virtual waiting room. You will need a phone number or email address for each person you invite.

Yes, please make sure that your child is available to join the virtual visit. If they are not present, the health care provider may be unable to give medical advice.

If you were seen by a member of the SickKids Emergency Department clinical team within the past 24 hours, you may select this prompt in the symptom checker. If you have questions about a test result ordered by any other clinical department at SickKids, please contact that team. The virtual urgent care team is unable to discuss tests not ordered by the Emergency Department.

SickKids does not charge a fee for using virtual urgent care visits, but you could be charged by your internet or cellular service provider for data use depending on your plan.

Your privacy is very important to us and SickKids has taken all the necessary steps to ensure any information you provide when using our virtual urgent care platform is secure.

You will have the option to participate in research studies with SickKids staff, which will help improve care for all children. You do not have to say yes if you do not want to participate. You will still be able to use our virtual urgent care platform if you do not want to participate. If you want to participate, you can choose your preferred method for us to contact you and our research team will be in touch to tell you more.

Please share your feedback with us by completing our survey.

Educational resources

About Kids Health logo

AboutKidsHealth is a health education website for children, youth and their caregivers, with trusted answers from SickKids experts. Learn about common conditions and injuries often treated in the Emergency Department Learning Hub.

Boy getting his heartbeat checked by a doctor


A fever can be a sign that the body is fighting an infection. Learn how to properly care for a baby, toddler or child with a fever.

Temperature taking

Learn how to correctly take your child's temperature when they have a fever.

Medication for temperatures

Learn how acetaminophen and ibuprofen can be used to help make your child more comfortable and bring down their fever.

What is a cold

Colds are caused by viral infections in the nose and throat. Learn about the causes, duration, prevention and treatment of viral upper respiratory infections.

What is influenza

Although the flu is very common, it can be dangerous for young children and those with compromised immune systems or other underlying diseases. Learn more about the flu and how to protect against it.

Winter tips

Keep the whole family safe, healthy and happy during the cold weather season with these winter tips.


Learn about common allergies and what to do if your child has an allergic reaction.

Severe allergic reactions

Anaphylaxis is a severe reaction to an allergen. Learn how to prevent and identify anaphylaxis and how to respond when someone has a reaction.

How to care for asthma

Learn about asthma attacks and what you need to know about care after a hospital visit.