RESNET defines a net zero energy home as a home that has been rated with a HERS® Index Score of 0 or less.
Energy Smart Builders along with their certified RESNET HERS® Raters are blazing the path to net zero energy homes throughout the nation. From New Hampshire to Hawaii builders constructed homes with HERS® Index Scores of 0 or less. These homes produced as much or even more energy than they consumed.
The home with the lowest HERS® Index built in 2020 was in Winter Park, Florida by Phil Kean Design Group and had a HERS® Index of -97.
The builders with the lowest HERS® Index Scores below 0 that were reported by the HERS® Rater in the RESNET National Registry in 2020 are:
For a listing of all the builders in the U.S. who built homes with a HERS® Index Score of 0 or less, go to Honor Roll of Builders Pioneering the Path to Net Zero Energy Homes in 2020.
RESNET Executive Director Steve Baden commented, “From just being a far off dream across the nation, net zero energy homes is fast becoming a reality. RESNET is committed to leading the path to net zero energy homes. We laud the pioneer builders who are blazing the trail to our goal. Congratulations to these builders and their HERS® Raters.”
The RESNET 2021 Virtual Conference will feature a number of sessions on the path to net zero energy homes. Of special note is the “Net Zero Energy Homes – Behind the Walls” that will be aired on Day 1 of the live streaming portion of the conference. In the session Ryan Meres of RESNET staff will give a “peek under the hood” of the strategies that builders are using to achieve net zero HERS® ratings from data gleaned from the RESNET National Registry.
For more information and to register for the conference, go to RESNET 2021 Virtual Conference