1987 San Francisco Surf and Foghorns by 8ØHÐ published on 2015-01-29T22:05:02Z In the late '80s, my dad recorded the foghorns of San Francisco on tape for my mother. Many of the foghorns in San Francisco Bay can never be heard again as they have been replaced by more advanced technology. (Please read on) Here is what my dad has to say: This recording was made late in the evening on the foggy night of August 29th, 1987 from Lands End near Lincoln Park in San Francisco, using fairly inexpensive stereo equipment. The coordinates are approximately N 37 degrees 47' 14"; W 122 degrees 29' 40.5". Years later I converted the recording to digital for posterity. There are four separate fog horns audible, each with specific characteristics such as direction, intervals and frequencies; two are single, two are double. I believe two of these are located on the nearby Golden Gate Bridge itself and another may be at Point Bonita on the Marin Headlands, 2.5 miles west of the bridge. Also audible is the surf below the cliffs of Lands End. At about 1:08:00 into the recording a small plane can be heard flying overhead. For more information about these and other fog horns in San Francisco Bay, visit: http://goldengatebridge.org/research/factsGGBFogHorn.php http://science.kqed.org/quest/audio/changing-foghorns/ Genre San francisco Comment by Steve Wood I love this recording for background when working. Only lived in SF for a few years but I love it and this always brings back memories for me. 2024-10-30T14:28:58Z Comment by Diana Love this! Love the bay area. I have Sound Cloud bookmarked and open it up every now and then and just set myself adrift! Thank you for sharing this!!! 2024-08-27T21:27:40Z Comment by Johnny Civello I WISH you would allow this to be downloaded! I grew up in the East Bay and this would put me to sleep like a handful o’ Ambien! 🥺 2023-07-30T21:12:04Z Comment by Antoinette Bianca I grew up on 25th and Balboa. Thank you for this. It calms the heart 2022-09-10T04:18:35Z Comment by Cicer Thank you for the care you put into this recording. Is it possible to make it available for download? It would be great to have a copy when I don't have access to Soundcloud. 2022-02-05T04:52:26Z Comment by Yvonne Nobles I am so grateful to you & your father for recording this and sharing it. I grew up close to Thornton beach, just south of San Francisco, and the sounds of foghorns would lull me to sleep. It’s lovely to be transported back to those years. Thank you! 2021-02-19T05:05:24Z Comment by roman s. I live on 32nd and El Camino Del Mar.......I miss this. thank you! 2021-01-13T07:37:36Z Comment by pNka prosa Beautiful! 2020-08-29T13:05:19Z Comment by IrishNotGreyRoots Thank you so much for this! We so homesick but can never go back in time. This is the next best thing! 2020-05-14T02:14:38Z Comment by nina415cat I absolutely adore this. I lived in the Richmond District in the 1970s ... was a teenager then. This was what I heard every night. As I listen to these sounds, I can almost smell the fog and feel that lovely sense of quiet isolation and connection with the ocean and the air. Thank you so much. 2019-05-26T23:21:16Z Comment by ghetto girl This is lovely! Thank-you so much! 2019-04-28T03:34:36Z Comment by JamJells Every so often I just need to get away. From work, family, and even friends to adjust myself and center. This does it for me in a natural and calming way. Thank you for sharing a piece of your fathers loving legacy. 2018-12-12T16:56:26Z Comment by >< very "Wanserlust" ;-) 2017-08-22T18:28:32Z Comment by Sam Aulicino Great stuff!!! Thanks to you and your father for capturing this. I listen to this almost every day in my office as ambiance! Hard to believe a horn has such a calming effect. 2017-07-27T15:14:54Z Comment by PAULLONDEN Timeless sounds !! 2017-07-15T22:19:18Z Comment by pobrien Thank you for remastering this into digitalis is lovely 2016-12-10T05:53:23Z Comment by Robert J. duPreez Love this! Brother took me on a sudden turn off up the headlands and we listened for 20 mintues last year. He got a few minutes on his iphone, but this kicks it's ass! Thank you for sharing something that your father did for you now gives to all of us. 2016-08-23T14:28:18Z Comment by Stephen Bourgogne Allard Thank you for this...! 2016-07-05T02:04:59Z Comment by panorama.beats cool, thanks for digitizing and putting it up! 2015-07-10T00:53:03Z Comment by Mark Alan Vieira Thank you for taking the time, for caring enough to do the audio engineering. Much appreciated! 2015-01-30T23:19:51Z