NW Fire Diversity Council

Increasing the diversity of the Oregon and Washington Fire Service

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Council Job Postings and Opportunities


Providing tools and resources for future emergency responders



Many fire departments assess potential employees through written exams, interviews, and physical agility assessments. Often times you have hundreds of applicants applying for only a few jobs.

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Interested in what a public safety career looks and feels like? The NWFDC provides and networks with regional fire camps. Camps are geared towards various ages and demographics.

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Making Connections

Knowledge and experience help propel a candidate’s success. The NWFDC can help guide candidates to become more prepared to enter a career in the fire service.

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Education will increase the opportunities a candidate may have to be hired as a career fire fighter.  Valuable educational experience is not limited to any one specific area of study. 

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Building and supporting the fire service of tomorrow.

Providing opportunities to increase the number of women, people of color and other underrepresented groups working in the fire service.