Georgia Interfaith Power and Light (GIPL) inspires and equips communities of faith to organize, implement practical climate solutions, and advocate across Georgia on issues of climate change, environmental justice, and community resilience.

Partnering with Drawdown Georgia, GIPL sponsors a number of programs to help communities of faith implement practical climate solutions. This includes assisting congregations in establishing Green Teams to drive environmental justice work locally, offering Power-Wise and Solar-Wise assessments to help faith communities lower their carbon footprints, and Zero-Waste and Water-Wise audits to help organizations rethink and reduce their overall food and water waste.

Our Programs

GIPL works at the local, state, and federal levels to advocate for clean energy legislation, fair water policy, and environmental justice for the future. Current priorities include advocating for permanent protections for the Blake Plateau, a deep-sea coral reef off the coast of Georgia, and urging Congress to stand up to big polluters trying to roll back the significant progress on climate we’ve made in the last several years. Join us and let’s continue to Defend Our Climate!

Our Advocacy Priorities

“It is a gift to do this work. It is a gift to be called to the task of remembering human beings’ first call, to live in right relationship with the Earth and with each other. It is a gift to help see a better world for all.”

— Codi Norred, Executive Director of GIPL

Upcoming events

  • Cultivate Resilience Earth Month 2024

    Green Team Roundtable

    June 11 | 12-1 PM

    Join other Green Team leaders and members from across the state to learn, share, collaborate, and plan eco-projects together!

  • Eco-Clothing Swap

    Eco-Clothing Swap

    June 12 | 6:30-9 PM

    In partnership with Georgia Muslim Voter Project, we’re hosting an Eco-Clothing Swap, to fight “Fast Fashion,” reduce waste, and help protect our Common Home!

  • Defend Our Climate Event

    Climate Visibility Event

    July 18

    Let’s rise to the challenge of connecting our faith, our communities, and our planet by organizing and amplifying the voice of Sacred Earth!

Don’t miss out on all the Green goodness!

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