Public Participation

Office of Environmental Justice

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Office of Environmental Justice​

The Department of Environmental Protection is responsible for safeguarding and preserving Pennsylvania’s air, land, and water from pollution. Its work primarily involves the regulation of permits and facilities, enforcement of environmental regulations, and responding to complaints. The Department’s activities have wide-spread implications that affect the quality of air, water and land. The Office of Environmental Justice works to increase community engagement between those in environmental justice areas and the Department.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Office of Environmental Justice (OEJ) is to help ensure the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people with the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental policies, regulations, and laws; as well as the identification of environmental issues that affect the commonwealth's most vulnerable communities.

What is Environmental Justice (EJ)?

Environmental justice means the just treatment and meaningful involvement of all people, regardless of income, wealth, race, color, national origin, area of residence, Tribal affiliation, or disability, in agency decision-making and other activities that affect human health and the environment so that people: are fully protected from disproportionate and adverse human health and environmental effects (including risks) and hazards, including those related to climate change, the cumulative impacts of environmental and other burdens, and the legacy of racism or other structural or systemic barriers; and have equitable access to a healthy, sustainable, and resilient environment in which to live, play, work, learn, grow, worship, and engage in cultural and subsistence practices. It further involves the prevention of future environmental injustice, and the redress of historic environmental injustice, and the centering of environmentally burdened community voices in addressing environmental justice concerns.

How does DEP identify Environmental Justice areas?

The Pennsylvania Environmental Justice Mapping and Screening Tool (PennEnviroScreen) is available online. The state-of-the-art mapping tool will allow DEP to more accurately identify communities facing environmental justice issues using more than 30 environmental, health, and socioeconomic indicators.

You can determine if your community is located in an EJ Area by using the PennEnviroScreen(opens in a new tab) tool, eMapPA(opens in a new tab), or by contacting the regional coordinator for your region. The PennEnvironScreen tool allows you to enter an address, municipality, or county in the search bar to help find that exact location. You may also pan, zoom in or out to explore and find a location of interest in the tool. The OEJ has made tutorial videos on how to use the tool available at PA Environmental Justice Areas.

Resources and Tools

Community members can sign-up for notifications on eFACTS(opens in a new tab) and eNOTICE(opens in a new tab), which are electronic notification systems that can provide the latest alerts of region-specific permit application, regulation, and compliance information. The regional DEP office and EJ Coordinator can also provide the latest updates. Key updates are also posted on the PA Bulletin(opens in a new tab). The Office of Environmental Justice’s PennEnviroScreen(opens in a new tab) tool identifies EJ areas and criteria, and a tutorial(opens in a new tab) on how to use this tool on the Department’s website. Specific projects will have updates listed on the Regional Resource page. Anyone can submit an Opt-in consideration(opens in a new tab) for a project.

For community resources related to grants and individual rebate programs, please visit DEP’s grants page. For federal EPA resources, please visit the EPA’s grants page(opens in a new tab). To receive federal grant application technical assistance, please visit the National Wildlife Foundation's EJ TCTAC webpage(opens in a new tab). To report an environmental complaint to the Department, submit a complaint online(opens in a new tab) or call the Department’s complaint hotline, 866-255-5158.

Public Participation

Please sign-up for OEJ’s e-newsletter(opens in a new tab) to stay up to date for our office and visit OEJ’s website regularly for opportunities of public engagement. Consider self-enrolling(opens in a new tab) for future outreach and engagement opportunities. Participate on the Environmental Justice Advisory Board meetings. Every year, vacancies arise and there are opportunities to become an Environmental Justice Advisory Board (EJAB) member. To find out more visit the EJAB webpage. The Department has several Committees and Advisory Boards. Consider participating in their meetings and explore opportunities to become a member.

Contact Us

Please visit our contact us page to reach the Office of Environmental Justice.
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