FRANKLIN, Tenn. (WKRN) — Over the weekend, fans packed in by the thousands all in the name of great music. 

An estimated 17,000 people came together for the Pilgrimage Music and Culture Festival at The Park at Harlinsdale.  

Every year after the festival ends, Co-Producer W. Brandt Wood begins planning for the next year. 

“I want people to leave with their cup running over with music joy,” Wood said. 

One thing not lost upon him – the history and many cultures behind the rhythm – as shown in the Americana Music Triangle.  

“In the AMT tent a lot of the cities that made music, blues, gospel, rock n’ roll, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Louisiana, they’re here,” Wood explained. 

In more recent history, Wood said Pilgrimage Festival is needed more than ever, after so much time spent isolating during the pandemic.  

“This is like unplug, disconnect from your devices, and have a good, old fashioned, organic, music festival experience,” Wood said. 

With Pilgrimage Festival 2022 now in the books, it’s already time to start planning for 2023.  

“In the early days I was in tears because I thought it was a long wait for a year. Now it seems like it’s that fast,” Wood recalled. “I’m proud of my team; I’m humbled by the attention we get, and I’m looking forward to another year.”