2024-25 Innovation Commercialization Fellows Application
The deadline to apply is midnight ET April 15, 2024.
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Email *
Applicant Name *
Applicant Email *
Applicant Phone Number *
Applicant LinkedIn Profile or Web Site
Applicant CMU Department *
Applicant's CMU Affiliation (Graduate Student, Post Doc, Research Staff, etc.) *
If a current student, what is the applicant's anticipated graduation month and year and major?
Faculty Member Name and CMU Department *
Faculty Member Email *
Startup name (or working title) *
Please describe your business concept in one paragraph.  What problem are you addressing? What is your solution? Why is your solution better than other approaches? (Quantify as much as possible.) How will you sell it? *
Please describe in one paragraph the research/technology on which your business concept is based. Please provide links to relevant websites, research papers, etc. *
What is new or unique about your technology? Have you filed invention disclosure(s)? Have patent applications been filed? *
Please describe efforts your team has undertaken to explore the commercial opportunity for your research/technology.  Indicate whether you have already or intend to participate in the NSF I-Corps program, Project Olympus, VentureBridge and/or other programs. *
What are your plans and milestones for the Innovation Fellow year? Include both technical and commercial milestones, e.g. what technical functionality milestones/metrics will be achieved? Do you intend to launch a startup, if so when?  What is the expected role of the Innovation Fellow expected to be in the startup?  What is the expected role of the Faculty Member expected to be in the startup?  Are there others involved with the potential startup-if so describe them and their intended roles (including advisors)? *
Please describe the long term plans for your project beyond the Innovation Fellows grant period. *
Please describe the source(s) and include a detailed budget of how you intend to spend your Matching $50,000.  Is this funding already in place or anticipated?  Please provide funding sources, award dates, duration and amounts of any related funding. (We realize that you may not be able to answer this completely at this time, but do the best you can. Details will be required before fellowship funds are awarded.) *
Do you intend to apply for SBIR/STTR or other funding, if so, who will be the PI?  Which agency? When will you apply? *
Please provide additional information that will support your application, e.g. tell us why you believe this program will make you successful.
How did you hear about the Innovation Commercialization Fellows Program?     *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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