Beth T. Boyd
Ph.D., Indiana University, Bloomington, IN (2024)
Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Hispanic Literatures and Cultural Studies
Minor Field: Medieval Studies
M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), Chicago, IL (2014)
Hispanic Studies, Literature and Culture
Research and Teaching Areas
- Visual and Material Culture in medieval/early-modern Spain and the Americas
- Theoretical Approaches to Colonial Studies and Postcolonial Theory
- Modern and contemporary Mexican literature
- Early Modern Peninsular literature
- Spanish Golden Age Theater and 21st-century adaptations
- Image production, reproduction, and adaptation
- Embodiment and the senses in approaches to religious phenomena
Selected Publications
- “Rethinking Colonial Inheritances in Twenty-First Century Social Media.” In Contemporary Colonialities: Mexico and Beyond (Eds. Kathleen Myers, Pablo García Loaeza, Alejandro Mejías- López, Cara Kinnally, and Beth Boyd, submitted.)
- “Out of the Wings: Two Non-Theatrical Adaptations of Lope de Vega’s La dama boba.” (Submitted.)
- Book Review. Quill and Cross in the Borderlands: Sor María de Ágreda and the Lady in Blue, 1628 to the Present, by Anna M. Nogar. Journal of Folklore Research (2019)
- “Early Modern Sensory Perception in Francisco de Florencia’s La milagrosa invención.” (In progress)
Conference Presentations and Invited Talks
- “What does ‘Colonial’ mean? Looking at Spanish American Art with 21st Century Technologies.” Invited Talk, Department of Global Languages and Cultures, Penn State University, Behrend Campus (2021).
- “Recasting the Spanish Conquest in Twenty-First Century Social Media,” Invited Talk, Department of World Languages and Cultures, Indiana University, East Campus (2021).
- “Memetics and (Post? De-?) Colonialist Discourses in Twenty-First Century Mexico.” Literatures and Cultures Colloquium, Indiana University (2020).
- “Colonial Foundations, Digital Futures: Religion, Post-Coloniality, and Mimetics in Mexico’s 21st Century.” In round table “Contemporary Colonialities in Mexico and Beyond.” Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Purdue University (2019).
- “Holy Reproductions: Resurgence of Sacred Art Debates in 21st Century Mexico.” In “Reading Coloniality in Mexico through a Transhistoric, Transgeographic Lens.” Latin American Studies Association (2019).
- “Instagram, Twitter, and the Resurgence of Sacred Art Debates in 21st Century Mexico.” In “Contemporary Colonialities and Mexico.” Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Indiana University (2019).
- “Out of the Wings: Two Non-Theatrical Adaptations of Lope de Vega’s La dama boba.” The Association for Hispanic Classical Theater (AHCT), Annual Spanish Golden Age Theater Symposium (2019).
- “Two Non-Traditional Adaptations of Lope de Vega’s La dama boba.” Invited Speaker, Dept. of Renaissance Studies, Indiana University (2018).
- “The Disembodied Politic: St. Michael, Bodies, and Devotion in 18th Century New Spain.” Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literatures (2017).
- “Early Modern Sensory Perception, Image, and Humanizing the Sacred in Francisco de Florencia’s La milagrosa invención de un tesoro escondido (1685).” Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literatures (2016).
- “Sensory Perception, Cognitive Dissonance, and Narrative in the Cave of Montesinos of Cervantes’ Don Quixote.” Diálogos XII Conference, Indiana University (2015).
- “The Blasphemous Bourgeoisie: Religious Inversion and the Destruction of the Literary Form in Miguel Espinosa’s La fea burguesía.” Diálogos XI Conference, Indiana University (2014).
- “Hay dos versiones de esto”: Heteroglossia and Crisis in Victor Hugo Rascón Banda’s Contrabando.” In/Between Conference, University of Illinois at Chicago (2014).
Related Experience
- Editorial Associate, Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Cultures (Present)
- Translation Specialist, Digital Collections, Herman B. Wells Library, Indiana University (2018-2020)
- Editorial Assistant, Dr. Cara Kinally, Purdue University. (2020)
- Editorial Assistant, Dr. Steven Wagschal, Minding Animals in the Old and New Worlds: A Cognitive Historical Analysis. (2016; 2018-2019)
- Invited Member, Seminar on Material and Visual Culture, Newberry Library (2017-2018)
- Research Assistant, Dr. Kathleen Myers, MLA, “And what does ‘colonial’ mean?” (2018)
- Reviewer, Vernacular, University of Tennessee (2018)
- Modern Language Association (MLA)
- Latin American Studies Association (LASA) – Visual Culture Studies Section
- Association of Hispanic Classical Theater (AHCT)
- English: native language
- Spanish: near-native (speaking, reading, writing, and listening)
- Latin: intermediate (reading)