Wildlife Group of the SAVA Congress 2022: Call for Abstracts
The Wildlife Group of the SAVA conference will be held over three days, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 10, 11 and 12 March 2022 in Pretoria, South Africa. The venue will be confirmed, but will be close to Onderstepoort. The themes will focus on Immobilisation updates, air and other transport, disease and intensive management but any paper of interest will be considered. Present- ers may present remotely if they cannot attend in person.

Authors wishing to submit abstracts must be able to present on any day of the congress.
Deadline for abstract OR finalised title: 12 January 2022
Full manuscript/Finalised abstract: 1 February 2022

The Congress committee of The Wildlife Group of the SAVA invites abstracts for presentation as free communications as well as case studies and research results. Presentations can be either oral presentations or posters.
Papers reviewing recent advances, or relating to research into matters concerning relevant topics that may be of interest to wildlife veterinarians will be considered.
Practising veterinarians are encouraged to submit abstracts.
Full manuscripts will be given preference should an oversupply of submissions occur
The abstract must be a complete but concise synopsis of the content that will be both informative and useful to the potential audience. The format for the abstracts is flexible, but should contain a clear objective, methods and results (where applicable) and a logical conclusion. Two independent people will review abstracts and successful authors will be notified within two weeks. Submitters must accept the terms and conditions for speakers. Abstracts that do not comply with the following format will be returned to the authors for corrections:
1. Must be in English and typed in MS-word format. Abstracts may not exceed 350 words.
2. Script must be in 12 Times new Roman font, with single spacing, single column and left-justified.
3. Must clearly indicate the author’s name. Write names of authors in the order of last names and asterisk (*) the person who will be the presenter.
4. Must clearly indicate the organisation (name and location of institution, clinic, practice etc). If the affiliation of co-workers differs, indicate the names and affiliations by corresponding numbers (Superscripts). 5. Must contain a list of references.

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Name & Address of Institution *
Title of Abstract *
Keywords *
Theme *
Author(s) *
Please indicate with an Asterisk the author who will be presenting
Abstract (MAX 300 Words) *
References *
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