Moonstone Monitor

(3 customer reviews)


Accreditation expiry date: 31/05/2025

Access weekly Moonstone Monitor editions with news articles and related assessments online and earn 0.5 Regulatory CPD hours per successfully completed assessment.

Note: Assessments applicable are from the day of purchase going forward.

Who should register:
Representatives and key individuals who would like to keep up with industry news and the latest legislation developments and would like to earn CPD hours for reading the articles and answering related assessment questions.

Professional Body: FPI
Approval Number: FPI24058878

Who Should Register

  • Key Individual
  • Representative

3 reviews for Moonstone Monitor

  1. Lolo Samuel Maepa

    Helpful Information managed all communications.

  2. Lolo Samuel Maepa

    This is vital and am reading in each week the communications.

  3. Endwell Timothy Vilakazi

    Articualative and assertive publication site

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