Youth Formation

The purpose of St. B’s Youth Formation is to invite youth to become mature Christ followers. 


We want to be a community who love Christ, discuss the hard questions together, and actively participate in the life of the Church as we are formed into mature Christians. For grades 7- 12, our Sunday Morning Formation takes place in the Youth Room (located downstairs in the Parish Hall building) from 10 -10:50 a.m. We play games together, discuss hard questions and study Scripture. Youth are partnered with adult volunteers to lead this experience each week.

Formation Class will return on September 8 at 10 am after our summer hiatus. 


We want to be a community that is bonded by fun and fostered through relationships; therefore, we are making community building and fun cornerstones of who we are as a Youth community. We host monthly events, serve in our M&O ministry, do youth fundraisers, and bigger seasonal events (like camps or retreats) for us to come together. The Youth Ministries staff also meets with youth for ice cream runs, going to the movies together, and coffee. 

To stay updated on our current events, go to our Youth Events Page. 


We want to be a community who worships God together as both participants and leaders. We provide opportunities for us to gather together to worship and we partner with our liturgical team as readers and acolytes. In worship together, we grow in our faith and sense of community with our church. 

If you are interested in serving as a torch bearer, crucifer or thurifer, email Beverly Mahan at for more information and how to get started. If you are interested in offering music in some capacity, please contact David Madeira at If you are interested in becoming a reader should email Alysha for more information.

Adult Leaders

Our formation experience is guided by adult weekly youth leaders and youth sponsors. Weekly Youth Leader serve on Sunday mornings during our formation hour, join us for fun events, and help mentor our youth. Youth Sponsors are our “gap fillers” who join us when our regularly scheduled leaders can’t be at fun events or joining us on Sunday mornings. Both roles are vitally important to the flourishing of our youth program. 

If you are interested in volunteering, please look at our Weekly Youth Leader description and Youth Sponsors description.

All staff and volunteers with children are required to have a background inquiry investigation conducted by the Diocese and the State of Tennessee. They are also required to complete Safe Church, Safe Communities. If you would like more information about the Safe Church, Safe Communities training (previously known as Safeguarding God's Children), you can read the Dioceses' policy here

Parents, you can see Fall 2023 Opportunities here. 


Our Youth Formation Ministry desires to partner with parents in the lives of their youth. 

If you are a parent of a Senior, check out our Senior Parenting Forum Fact Sheet

If you would like more information in talking with your youth on mental health and technology, check out our Parenting Resource on Technology and Mental Health.

Contact Us

If you have questions about Youth Formation at St. B's, please contact Alysha Moroni, Director of Youth and Family Formation, at  and Natalie Rapp, Faith Formation Assistant at