You Can See Mars, Saturn & Jupiter in Morning Sky All Month

Catch the trio any morning you get up before the sun.

mars jupiter and saturn stargazing
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Stargazing is great, even though finding what you're looking for can get pretty involved. Sometimes you need a telescope or to go to an observatory, but it's usually worth the effort. At the same time, there's something to be said for when you can just casually glance up at without much thought. Something like a lunar eclipse, Orion appearing in the spring, or a few planets coming together in the morning sky. 

You're getting a little of the latter category in March. Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter will all be visible in the morning sky throughout the month. The positioning will change as the month goes on, but you can spot them in the east-southeastern sky any day in the hours just before sunrise.

mars jupiter saturn
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

At the beginning of the month, the three planets will form a diagonal line close to the horizon. Each day, they'll get a little closer to each other. Around March 13, they'll start to appear very close together with the moon as a distant part of the diagonal line. 

mars jupiter saturn
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

From March 17-19, the moon gets close to the grouping for an amazing display. On March 17, Mars and Jupiter will almost appear to be touching. They'll be even closer with a crescent moon between the pair and Saturn on March 18. You'll be able to see the four orbs grouped together about two hours before sunrise, per

mars jupiter saturn
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

After those dates, the three planets will remain close together, but the arrangement will change, with Jupiter continuing to climb until March 31, when Saturn and Mars will be right on top of each other. 

All three planets are relatively bright in the sky, and this should be a display that's easy to glimpse on the way to work throughout the month. 

Ready to go stargazing?

Here are all the best stargazing events that you can get out and see this month or you could stay in a stream the northern lights from home. If you're just getting started, check out our guide to astronomy for beginners

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Dustin Nelson is a Senior Staff Writer at Thrillist. Follow him @dlukenelson.