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by Jenny Owen Youngs

00:00 / 03:41
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there’s a glow on the ripples coming downstream
the yard is a kingdom, secret to me
i don’t want anyone else to see

down in the grass watching ants from my knees
or up in the branches of the mulberry tree
i don’t want anyone following me

sundays we spend with our feet in the water
watching the sunfish flash over the stones
later at dinner I sit like a soldier
hiding inside when I’m home

out just beyond where their voices can reach
thrown from the house meant to catch up to me
but i’m drifting to sleep on a blanket of leaves
and all i can hear is the wind in the trees

sundays we spend with our feet in the water
watching the sunfish flash over the stones
later at dinner I sit like a soldier
hiding inside when I’m home
hiding inside when I’m home


released September 4, 2020
written, produced, and mixed by Jenny Owen Youngs and Kyle Neal

mastered by Jett Galindo at The Bakery

cover photograph by Rachel White


all rights reserved



Jenny Owen Youngs Maine

Avalanche, Youngs’ exceptional debut for Yep Roc records, offers up an achingly beautiful exploration of loss, resilience, and growth from an artist who’s experienced more than her fair share of each in recent years. The songs are deceptively serene, layering Youngs’ infectious pop sensibilities atop lush, dreamy arrangements that often belie the swift emotional currents lurking underneath. ... more


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