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Thank you for visiting the Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education (AdvancED- formerly known as the Center for Teaching).

We are currently redeveloping our site. For current events and workshops, please visit our new site.


2024 High Impact Series Workshops

Aug. 8, 2024—Our High Impact Series workshops are designed to enhance teaching skills, foster interdisciplinary collaboration and elevate impact in the classroom. Discover new strategies and innovative techniques to inspire and engage students in the classroom and guide them to develop a passion for lifelong learning. This semester’s programs include: Applying Gamification in Your Classroom (3-part series)...

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Welcome Jennifer Ogg Wilson!

Feb. 13, 2024—We are proud to announce that Jennifer Ogg Wilson has joined of the Office of Education Design and Development (formerly the Center for Teaching) as its new Director. As a Vanderbilt alumna with a Ph.D. and M.A. in Political Science, she is thrilled to be back on campus. A seasoned learning facilitator, she has created...

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Giving Students Feedback

Nov. 9, 2023—At this time in the semester when students are handing in an assortment of assignments, it is important to provide meaningful feedback to guide their growth. Effective feedback can come in a variety of forms, but students find it most helpful when it is educative about what they are doing well and not so well,...

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Teaching in Tumultuous Times

Nov. 7, 2023—Despite our aspirations for our classrooms to be home to open inquiry and reasoned, informed debate, sometimes the intensely traumatic nature of current events can overwhelm us or our students. Whether it is recurring incidents of mass violence, the persistence of social or environmental crises, or polarized political debate in our public sphere, just to...

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Interdisciplinary Teaching workshop

Nov. 1, 2023—TEST Are you teaching a subject that is inter- or multi-disciplinary and somewhat outside of your comfort zone? Are you team teaching a course with someone from another discipline and adjusting to their discipline’s ways of thinking or “signature pedagogies”? Are you hoping that your students develop a thoroughly multi-disciplinary understanding of a topic, but...

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Transforming Classroom Conflict into Learning workshop

Oct. 30, 2023—In these times of political polarization and contentious dialogue throughout our society, it is not uncommon for educators across the curriculum to experience, or at least fear, student conflict in the classroom. Whether it is due to differences sparked by ideology, identity, or simple intellectual disagreement, student conflicts may stray beyond productive debate into highly...

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Developing Collaborative Assignments workshop

Oct. 26, 2023—Research indicates that collaborative assignments and projects can promote meaningful learning by inviting students to address complex problems while engaging the insights and perspectives of others. In this workshop, participants will develop an outline for a collaborative group project or assignment that they plan to deploy in the spring semester. Co-facilitated by Boni Yraguen (PhD, Mechanical Engineering) and Laura Carter-Stone (PhD, Teaching and Learning),...

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