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Abuela y Candy


Available on All Major Retailing Sites


Abuela y Candy 〰️ Available on All Major Retailing Sites 〰️


Ahmad & Nia and the Mistake of the Century

Life’s always tough when you think that you need to be perfect. But to Ahmad, it’s definitely worth the fight. Follow along with Ahmad (and his sister Nia) as he learns the importance of learning from your mistakes and giving yourself grace.

Abuela y Candy

Who’s that one person you feel extremely connected to? That teaches you to love yourself and empowers you like no other? Abuela y Candy highlights the beautiful relationship between a young girl and her grandmother (Abuela) as they spend the day running errands and perusing the markets in New York City. As they spend the day together, not only does Candy get the chance to bask in the love of her grandmother, she also learns to embrace the beautiful Puerto Rican culture that permeates the Lower East Side of NYC — her culture. This bilingual children’s book is perfect for children ages 5 - 10!


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“There weren't enough places that not only published books with the black diaspora as its target audience, but also provided services far beyond the pages of a book.”

—Aarenne M.