
Welcome to the Department of Environmental Protection's eComment.

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Open Comment Periods
Document TitleCategoryPA
Interstate Pollution Transport Reduction: Proposed 2025 Ozone Season Nitrogen Oxide Emission Limits for Nonelectric Generating UnitsOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
3/8/20253/24/2025View commentsSubmit comments
Pennsylvania's PM2.5 Exceptional Event Analyses for June 6-8, 2023 and June 28-July 1, 2023OtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
2/15/20253/17/2025View commentsSubmit comments
Process for Evaluating Daily VolumePolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
2/15/20253/17/2025View commentsSubmit comments
Proposed General Plan Approval and/or General Operating Permit for Human or Animal Crematory Incinerators (BAQ-GPA/GP-14) Update (2700-PM-BAQ0024)PolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
2/8/20253/24/2025View commentsSubmit comments
Proposed Rulemaking: Water Quality Standards; Class A Stream RedesignationsRegInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
2/1/20253/18/2025View commentsSubmit comments
Proposed Rulemaking: Corrections to Additional RACT Requirements for Major Sources of NOx and VOCs for the 2015 Ozone NAAQS (RACT 3) (#7-584)RegInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
1/25/20253/28/2025View commentsSubmit comments
Draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Discharges from Small Municipal Storm Sewer Systems (PAG-13)OtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
1/18/20253/19/2025View commentsSubmit comments
Draft New and Revised Water Quality Assessment Listing MethodologyOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
1/18/20253/19/2025View commentsSubmit comments

Additional Open Comment Periods (see PA Bulletin notice for instructions on commenting)
No additional comment periods are currently open.

Recently Closed Comment Periods
Document TitleCategoryPA BulletinPeriod StartPeriod EndAction
Draft Technical Guidance, New: Guidelines for Submittal of Benching PlansPolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
1/25/20252/24/2025View comments
Federal Consistency under the Coastal Zone Management Act; Garrison Run North Stream RestorationOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
1/11/20251/27/2025View comments
Stream Redesignation Evaluations - Class A Wild Trout StreamsOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
1/4/20252/3/2025View comments
Guidance for Maintaining Freeboard and Dewatering of Well Development Impoundments for Unconventional Oil and Gas OperationsPolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
1/4/20252/3/2025View comments
Designation Recommendations for the 2024 Primary Annual Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) National Ambient Air Quality StandardsOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
12/21/20241/28/2025View comments
Federal Consistency under the Coastal Zone Management Act; Erie-Western Pennsylvania Port Authority McAllister South Dockwall ReplacementOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
12/14/20241/6/2025View comments
Environmental Assessment Approvals for PENNVEST Funding Consideration (January 2025)OtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
12/14/20241/20/2025View comments
Draft Technical Guidance, Substantive Revision: Manual for Land Treatment of Wastewater: A Guide to Site Selection, System Design and Permitting Requirements (385-2188-006)PolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
12/7/20242/5/2025View comments
Federal Consistency under the Coastal Zone Management Act; FDR Park—Nature Phase Environmental RestorationOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
11/30/202412/16/2024View comments
Draft Technical Guidance, Substantive Revision: Public Water Supply Manual - Part II: Community Water System Design Standards (394-2125-004)PolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
11/30/20243/3/2025View comments
Proposed General Plan Approval and/or General Operating Permit for Gaseous Fuel-Fired Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines (BAQ-GPA/GP-16)OtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
10/12/202411/25/2024View comments
2024 Fiscal-Year Report for the Reclamation Fee O&M Trust AccountOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
10/5/202411/4/2024View comments
Proposed SIP Revision: Second Maintenance Plan for the Hbg-Lebanon-Carlisle & York (Hbg/York) Area for 2006 PM2.5 NAAQSOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
9/28/202411/1/2024View comments
Pennsylvania's 2024 Annual Ambient Air Monitoring Network PlanOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
9/21/202410/21/2024View comments
Federal Consistency under the Coastal Zone Management Act; Lampe Marina Floating Dock System ReplacementOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
9/14/20249/29/2024View comments
Federal Consistency under the Coastal Zone Management Act; Neill Drive Pumping Station Stream and Infrastructure ProtectionOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
8/24/20249/9/2024View comments
Proposed Rulemaking: Administration of the Land Recycling Program (#7-575)RegInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
7/13/20249/11/2024View comments
Federal Consistency under the Coastal Zone Management Act; Reconstruction and Dredging at Pier 6A in the City of PhiladelphiaOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
7/6/20247/22/2024View comments
Proposed Erosion and Sediment Control General Permit (ESCGP-4) for Earth Disturbance Associated with Oil and Gas Exploration, Production, Processing or Treatment Operations or Transmission FacilitiesOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
6/29/20247/29/2024View comments
Proposed SIP Revision for a Noninterference Demonstration under section 110(1) of the Clean Air Act to Support Decommissioning Stage II Gasoline Vapor Recovery Requirements and Add RequirementsOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
6/15/20247/16/2024View comments
Proposed State Implementation Plan Revision; Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan for the Beaver. PA Nonattainment Area for the 2010 Sulfur Dioxide National Ambient Air Quality StandardOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
5/18/20246/21/2024View comments
Pennsylvania's Ozone Exceptional Event Analyses for June 1, 2023, through June 2, 2023, and June 29, 2023, through June 30, 2023OtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
4/27/20245/28/2024View comments
Draft Stream Evaluation Reports: Chester Creek (Chester County), Reynolds Run (Lancaster County), Unnamed Tributary to North Fork Dunkard Fork (Greene County), Loyalsock Creek (Lycoming and Sullivan)OtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
4/20/20246/4/2024View comments
Federal Consistency under the Coastal Zone Management Act; AdvanSix, Inc. Proposed Maintenance Dredging at Frankford Marine Terminal, City of PhiladelphiaOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
3/30/20244/15/2024View comments
Draft TMDL Prioritization Strategy for USEPA’s 2022-2032 VisionOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
3/23/20244/22/2024View comments
Federal Consistency under the Coastal Zone Management Act; United States Army Corps of Engineers Proposed Maintenance Dredging at Conneaut Harbor, Ashtabula County, OhioOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
3/9/20243/24/2024View comments
Intent to Submit Pennsylvania State Implementation Plan Revisions to Environmental Protection AgencyOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
2/24/20244/26/2024View comments
Guidelines for the Preparation of a Contingency Plan for the Transportation of Residual WastePolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
2/17/20243/18/2024View comments
Proposed Revision to the State Implementation Plan; Regional Haze Best Available Retrofit TechnologyOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
2/3/20243/8/2024View comments
General Permit WMGR081 Proposed ModificationsOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
2/3/20244/4/2024View comments
Guidance Manual for Permitting of New Commercial Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal FacilitiesPolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
1/20/20242/18/2024View comments
Draft Final Rulemaking: Water Quality Standards - Site-Specific Water Quality Criteria (#7-571)RegInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
11/4/202312/19/2023View comments
COMMENT PERIOD EXTENSION and ADDITIONAL PUBLIC HEARINGS: Interim-Final Environmental Justice Policy (015-0501-002) and Pennsylvania Environmental Justice Mapping and Screening Tool (PennEnviroScreen)PolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
Statement of Policy: Water Quality Toxics Management Strategy (#7-582)PolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
10/7/202311/21/2023View comments
Draft Final Rulemaking: Triennial Review of Water Quality Standards (#7-577)RegInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
10/7/202311/21/2023View comments
Interim-Final Environmental Justice Policy (015-0501-002) and Pennsylvania Environmental Justice Mapping and Screening Tool (PennEnviroScreen) Methodology Document (015-0501-003)PolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
9/16/202311/30/2023View comments
Draft Stream Evaluation Reports: Aquashicola Creek (Monroe County and Carbon County), Jones Creek (Susquehanna County), and Hosensack Creek (Berks County, Lehigh County, and Montgomery County)OtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
8/12/20239/11/2023View comments
Guidelines for the Development and Implementation of Oil and Gas Well Site Integrated Contingency Plans for Unconventional Well SitesPolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
7/8/20238/7/2023View comments
Draft Stream Evaluation Reports: Slab Cabin Run (Centre County) and Lycoming Creek (Lycoming, Tioga, and Sullivan counties)OtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
2/4/20233/6/2023View comments
Draft Technical Guidance: Pennsylvania Post-Construction Stormwater Management (PCSM) Manual (386-0300-001)PolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
1/28/20234/28/2023View comments
Recommended Strategies for the Reduction of Oxides of Nitrogen Emission from Municipal Waste Combustors under Consideration by the Ozone Transport CommissionOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
5/14/20225/29/2022View comments
Draft Environmental Justice Policy (012-0501-002)PolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
3/12/20225/11/2022View comments
Draft Stream Evaluation Report: Class A Wild Trout StreamsOtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
12/11/20211/10/2022View comments
Delegation of Authority to Implement and Enforce Federal Municipal Solid Waste PlanPolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
12/4/20211/13/2022View comments
Draft Stream Evaluation Report: UNT Tohickon Creek (Bucks County)OtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
10/23/202111/22/2021View comments
Draft Technical Guidance: Guidance on Notification Requirements for Spills, Discharges, and other Incidents of a Substance Causing or Threatening Pollution to Waters of the Commonwealth (383-4200-003)PolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
10/16/202112/15/2021View comments
Draft Technical Guidance: Prioritized Review Process under ESCGP for Oil and Gas Exploration, Production, Processing or Treatment Operations or Transmission Facilities (800-2100-001)PolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
8/28/20219/27/2021View comments
Draft Stream Evaluation Reports: Beaver Creek (Delaware County) and Middle Lehigh River Tributaries (Carbon County)OtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
11/14/20202/12/2021View comments
Draft Technical Guidance: Notification Requirements for Spills, Discharges, and other Incidents of a Substance Causing or Threatening Pollution to Waters of the Commonwealth (383-4200-003)PolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
8/8/202010/6/2020View comments
Certification of Pennsylvania’s Submittal of All Case By Case Reasonably Available Control Technology DeterminationsPolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
6/27/20207/31/2020View comments
Proposed SIP Revision; Certification of Pennsylvania’s Submittal of All Case By Case RACT Determinations and Averaging Plans for the 1997 and 2008 8 Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality StandardPolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
3/28/20205/1/2020View comments
Proposed Revision to the Infrastructure State Implementation Plan for the 2015 8 Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality StandardPolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
3/14/20204/20/2020View comments
Policy for Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission and Department of Environmental Protection Coordination During Permit Application Review and Evaluation of Historic Resources (012-0700-001)PolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
12/28/20191/27/2020View comments
Proposed State Implementation Plan Revision for Regional Haze; Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART)OtherInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
8/31/201910/31/2019View comments
Draft TGD: Lead and Copper - A Working Guide to the Lead and Copper Rule (393-0300-001)PolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
11/17/20181/2/2019View comments
Draft Technical Guidance: Policy for State Water Quality Certification Issuance for Interstate Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Projects Regulated by FERC (310-2100-001)PolicyInformation at the Pennsylvania Bulletin (and publication date)
7/29/20178/28/2017View comments

Recently Finalized
Document TitleCategoryPA Bulletin as FinalAction
2024 Pennsylvania Great Lakes Water Management Program Five-Year Report (2019-2024)OtherInformation on the final publication (and publication date)
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Safe Drinking Water General Permit 01 (SDWGP-01) – Community Water System Finished Water Storage Tank PaintingOtherInformation on the final publication (and publication date)
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Final Technical Guidance: Guidelines for the Uniform Environmental Review Process in Pennsylvania (381-5511-111)PolicyInformation on the final publication (and publication date)
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Technical Guidance: Pennsylvania's Public Water System Capability Enhancement Strategy (391-0400-001)PolicyInformation on the final publication (and publication date)
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